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JMFF Fellow | Free Speech Cognoscente | See Highlights Tab for #TwitterFiles Coverage | Auburn University Alum | War Eagle 🦅🇺🇸

Apr 29, 2023, 11 tweets

1. Back in February 2020 the New York Times published an Op-Ed titled: “We Knew Disease X Was Coming. It’s Here Now.”

In hindsight, it now reads more like a confession by the author than an opinion piece.

2. The 2020 Op-Ed might not have seemed nefarious by anyone who read it at the time of its publication but today it paints a vividly haunting and arguably damning picture—rife with a massive, undisclosed conflict of interest: the man who wrote it.

3. You see, the NYT Op-Ed was authored by Peter Daszak, the President of EcoHealth Alliance—the organization who was funded by the NIH, USAID & other private/public orgs to do Gain of Function in Wuhan on coronaviruses to create a vaccine.

Was this mentioned?
No, not once.

4. Daszak’s words now read more like a confession and a road map of how we got here.

He begins by noting a 2018 World Health Organization meeting and says, “a group of experts I belong to” coined the term “Disease X.”

5. “Disease X: We were referring to the next pandemic.”

“It’s worth taking a moment to consider whether Covid-19 is the disease our group was warning about.”

6. The next paragraph leaves little room for speculation, but directly confirms the disease he & other experts warned about was here.

“In a nutshell, Covid-19 is Disease X.”

7. So can anyone ‘PREDICT’ when a novel 🦠 virus will occur?

Well, ironically Daszak received an award for ‘building a strategy to predict & prevent the next pandemic’ in 2019.

However in September 2020, he seemingly changed his tune:

8. In 2020, Daszak went on 60 minutes to defend his research funding and work in Wuhan. Which now paints 60 Minutes in a pretty bad light for accusing Tucker Carlson & Rep. Matt Gaetz of a disinformation campaign for alleging the virus came out of a lab in Wuhan.

9. If Peter Daszak and EcoHealth Alliance had nothing to hide, then why would he email his team in April 2020 telling them NOT to upload viral sequences from their “PREDICT” program research.

(Some of those sequences would later be linked to Moderna/NIH’s patents filed in 2017.)

10. In closing his NYT Op-Ed, Daszak said this:

“Pandemics are like terrorist attacks: We know roughly where they originate and what’s responsible for them, but we don’t know exactly when the next one will happen.”

Contradicting both his own prior claims & Dr. Fauci’s.

11. As noted above, the contradiction of Daszak stating in 2020 that there’s no way to predict when the next pandemic will occur. Fauci did just that. As well as Daszak (prior to 2020).

Amazing foresight that they now claim is impossible. Fauci & Daszak in 2017:…

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