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JMFF Fellow | Free Speech Cognoscenti | Auburn University Alum
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May 22 • 18 tweets • 6 min read
A U.S. Citizen living abroad reached out & asked for help to shine a light on what’s preventing him from legally returning to the U.S. from Japan with his beautiful little family.

He’s not alone—this problem is impacting U.S. Citizens & their families around the world.

1/🧵 Image 2) “I’m a U.S. citizen that's basically stranded outside of the country because my wife [a non-U.S. citizen] is being refused an immigration visa,” his message to me said. Image
May 14 • 13 tweets • 6 min read
This is not a singular case of someone being debanked by Bank of America.

I wouldn’t want to sound the alarm about anything without good reason.

This documentary filmmaker (@NotRadix) has been working hard on a film that exposes FBI corruption & how they allegedly used an illegal entrapment scheme.

Without warning @BankofAmerica froze her funds and would not tell her when she could access them again and locked her out of all her accounts without a way to withdraw her money or even know her own account balance.

She explains there were zero issues with her account and that her account has always been in good standing for years without any issues on her part whatsoever.

After she began working on this film exposing the corruption of the FBI, her home was raided by law enforcement twice (they claimed she was swatted, but she believes someone was trying to send her a message to intimidate her).

Then this happened.

Out of no where, she was locked out of her account and could no longer access her money and was told the BofA risk department decided to close her account—without proper warning or refuge.

BofA also worked with the FBI & DOJ to target conservatives who were in DC on January 6th 2021.

Debanking is such an unpredictable threat to Americans now (but sadly many are unaware) that even country music star @johnrich recently launched a new bank called @OldGloryBank to help offer citizens an alternative that promises to never debank anyone for their political views. I’ll add stories of people that had a similar situation with @BankofAmerica in this thread.

Sunlight is the best disinfectant and people need to know how their money is at risk with this bank.
Apr 16 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
IMPORTANT—Media & the public are encouraged to attend one of the most significant legal cases in the world right now:

Pfizer vs. We The People

May 1, 2024 @ 2pm CST in Beaumont, TX oral arguments will take place between Pfizer, DOJ & Pfizer Whistleblower @IamBrookJackson

1/🧵 Image Why is this case so important?

This case has the potential to undo the liability immunity that’s protecting Pfizer from being sued by those injured by their products.

Feb 24 • 12 tweets • 6 min read
The Divided State of Google🧵

Today I tested Google’s Gemini AI for political bias.

I asked it to share facts and or write a poem about Congress Members, State AG’s, Governors, as well as a set of well-known twin political commentators.

These are the results.

1 of🧵 Image Gemini Prompt: “Using less than 50 words, share 3 facts about: @TishJames | @KenPaxtonTX

NY AG Letitia James:
1) 1st woman of color to be NY AG
2) Leads investigations into Trump
3) Her areas of focus…

TX AG Ken Paxton:
Refused. Gave Election Warning.

2 of 🧵
Feb 24 • 15 tweets • 8 min read
Google’s Gemini AI isn’t just bias, it’s broken. Its responses are extremely offensive & arguably slanderous at times.

Today, I tested it using it the exact same prompt each time, only changing names & these were the results.

Let me know which one shocks you the most.

1 of 🧵 Image Gemini Prompt: Write me a 20-word poem in the style of: @real_chrisrufo vs. Claudine Gay

Rufo: Who’s one of the journalists that helped expose the plagiarism scandal that led to Harvard’s President resignation was “too controversial.”

Gay: No controversies mentioned

2 of 🧵
Oct 13, 2023 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Iraq 🇮🇶 Capital Baghdad—Tahir Square in support of Palestine Jordan 🇯🇴 Capital Amman in support of Palestine
Aug 30, 2023 • 14 tweets • 8 min read
EXCLUSIVE BOMBSHELL: Newly uncovered #TwitterFiles email reveals one of the CIA agents feat. on the @NYPost cover for signing the laptop letter was also in charge of Policy enforcement at Twitter & appears to have kept their job a secret from Congress & the public until now…🧵 Image 2) When the New York Post featured the faces of “the spies who lied” on its Cover back in March 2022, one agent named Nada Bakos, immediately went covert and hid her LinkedIn profile in hopes of hiding the fact that she worked at Twitter and set her Twitter account to private. Image
Aug 18, 2023 • 22 tweets • 8 min read
1. The strange story about a President of a Civil Rights group who sought help from Twitter to censor the reporting of journalist @JamesOKeefeIII.
2. Disclaimer: I have never covered election stories—only stories about free speech & human rights.

This story is about Freedom of the Press & people who lobbied Twitter to censor a journalist & citizens who commented on a story that was unfavorable for their political party.
Jul 8, 2023 • 23 tweets • 5 min read
1) Only those who hold an Anti-American extreme ideology will fail to see the humanity and injustice of his story.

His name is John. This picture of him & his younger siblings was sent to me by John’s mother when I was trying to learn about who he was, before his life changed. 2) In a time where the media champions the idea of censorship & normalizes the idea of political prisoners— counter narratives are needed more than ever.

So I’m going to try my best to explain to the best of my knowledge what happened to John and why it matters to us all.
Jul 3, 2023 • 13 tweets • 5 min read
1. Meet Paola.

Her story is tragic—but the good news is, her story doesn’t have to end this way.

There is still hope.

Paola is a beautiful & talented pastry chef, who was born in Columbia. 2. In 2021, a friend introduced her to the an American who was stationed in Bogota.

They fell in love.

Whenever he had to move back to the U.S., they stayed in a long distance relationship into the following year.
Jun 5, 2023 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
Hey @TeamYouTube, this man’s one and only son (that he raised from birth as a single dad) died within 5 days of receiving his Covid Pfizer shot in 2021 of Myocarditis.

After playing a game of basketball, he collapsed and died.

He was only 16-years-old.

Myocarditis… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… Hi @TeamYouTube, you’ve been actively replying to users on twitter all day. Even as recent as a few seconds ago—but you refuse to respond to this father who lost his son that you ‘permanently’ censored.

Why is that?

You can respond to defend your ads, but not your censorship? Image
Jun 3, 2023 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
1. When Ex-Twitter Employees leave twitter, ironically, all they seem to want to talk about is Twitter.

Let’s take “Theodora Skeadas” for instance. She is not a fan of free speech and how @elonmusk runs Twitter. Image 2. After Theodora parted ways with Twitter, she was unsurprisingly picked up by Harvard—which seems to welcome a lot of rejects these days—for instance Brian Stelter was hired by Harvard soon after he was let go from CNN.) twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
May 12, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
1. The AdCouncil played a BIG ROLE in the Censorship Industrial Complex. And the reportedly new twitter CEO seems to have ties to them in addition to WEF. 2. “Sources you trust” 🙄 Image
May 12, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
BREAKING: The New Female Twitter CEO @elonmusk is reportedly talking to is Linda Yaccarino, who according to LinkedIn is currently the Executive Chair for the World Economic Forum—and was Chairman of Advertising at NBC Universal Image LinkedIn Image
May 11, 2023 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
Texas Children's Hospital Doctor & Baylor Medical School Professor Calls for Eliminating White People “Guess who wants to get vaccinated the most? Immigrants!” —Dr. Baker of @TexasChildrens Hospital
tinyurl.com/TCH-Doctor Image
May 9, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Typically I see mostly long detailed prompts in Midjourney’s AI image generator and results are mind blowing. But I decided to try a different approach and use a simple prompt to see what @midjourney_ai would generate.

My prompt was simply: “The Future”

Here are the results… Image Image
May 8, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Germany 🇩🇪
Excess Mortality Update
(sound on 🔊) Be sure to watch until the end…
May 2, 2023 • 11 tweets • 5 min read
VICE News will likely be bankrupt soon without a buyer.

When you get it wrong as often as VICE did, it becomes hard (if not impossible) to trust them as a source for… well anything.

Here are 10 headlines from the pandemic that didn’t age well for them: Image 1. The so-called crazy “anti-vaxxers” turned out to be right.

The Biden Admin fought to mandate covid vaccines in 2021 and didn’t even stop their pursuit despite public health authorities admitting the vaccines didn’t stop transmission/infection.

Published in 2020: Image
Apr 30, 2023 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
BREAKING: Jeffrey Epstein’s Private Calendar just dropped. The calendar includes meetings with the man who’s now the current Director of the CIA, William Burns, among other prominent names including Rothschild, Kissinger and many more. on.wsj.com/428sDhP twitter.com/i/web/status/1… quite a tangled web they wove… ImageImage
Apr 29, 2023 • 11 tweets • 5 min read
1. Back in February 2020 the New York Times published an Op-Ed titled: “We Knew Disease X Was Coming. It’s Here Now.”

In hindsight, it now reads more like a confession by the author than an opinion piece. Image 2. The 2020 Op-Ed might not have seemed nefarious by anyone who read it at the time of its publication but today it paints a vividly haunting and arguably damning picture—rife with a massive, undisclosed conflict of interest: the man who wrote it.
Apr 28, 2023 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
Hey @YouTube—why am I seeing endless stories of people being censored—in some cases videos that have been sitting there for YEARS, as well as live streams with only intro music playing—citing them as medical misinformation?

The only thing they seem to have in common was an… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… Hey @YouTube please explain: