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Apr 29, 2023, 13 tweets

Paper quilling is one of my favorite mediums for #AIArtworks & #midjourney. We should always acknowledge the REAL world heroes of this medium (Brodskaya, Runa, and Neli Quilling) but here are some of my own creations. FIRST, I reversed @chetbff's waterfall into this lava flow. ;)

This beauty is mesmerizing but you can see how you might be able to create this in real life.

Maybe we could recreate famous movie scenes?

Seascapes. I took this prompt from someone else in my thread and modified it... I can't remember who?

how about we combine paper quilling with shadow art!

Or sand elements combined onto the paper.

Melted crayon and paper quilling

Here's a carnival of wonder!

Isometric zen garden

Glass art and paper quilling

It'sa me! Mario!

Endless possibilities.
READ my substack on the history of this technique and some discussion on AI as a thief and an inspiration. helloai.substack.com/p/the-mesmeriz…

One last one to boot:

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