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25 ∙ she/her ∙ au writer ∙ rpf ∙ OT7 ∙ makin’ moves (towards my bed) ∙ ao3: https://t.co/PaiUmPBvMt

May 3, 2023, 10 tweets

#namkook + #taegi au where namjoon thinks jungkook and yoongi are the same person:

2. seriously do they have a joint outfit bingo

3. namjoon just like me fr

4. my lovely sun-repulsed singing gnomes

5. a jungkook

6. a yoongi

7. a jungkook (take 2)

8. 👍

the end!✨

idk what this is the stress of grad school has made me a little delirious goodbye 👋🏼

inspired by this event lol:

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