Vicky Park Profile picture
Senior Specialist Tutor (e-learning) @NES_Pharmacy. Current #mscde student. All views expressed are my own.

May 3, 2023, 5 tweets

Session on Emerging technologies kicks off with @LnDDave #T1S1 #LTUK23

Discussing 'buzzwords' in L&D which @LnDDave defines as words whereby their use has spread faster than their understanding #T1S1 #LT23UK

It's not even lunchtime and, talking of buzzwords, AI has been the biggest so far #T1S1 #LT23UK

Problem with many 'hybrid' events is that we take a live face to face event and livestream it for those participating remotely - this does mean participants are having an equitable experience @LnDDave #T1S1 #LT23UK

What makes your work uniquely human? @LnDDave says this is an important question in light of AI and automation #T1S1 #LT23UK

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