Vicky Park Profile picture
Senior Specialist Tutor (e-learning) @NES_Pharmacy. Current #mscde student. All views expressed are my own.

May 3, 2023, 7 tweets

Next up is the 'Women in Learning' lunchtime session #L1S1 #LT23UK opening with the No Man's Land scene from Wonder Woman

Candice Gardner talks about how @dermalogica are trying to change the narrative around preconceived ideas of women in the skincare education industry #L1S1 #LT23UK

We are at the pivotal point of the needle moving in the right direction says @SharonKaliouby #L1S1 #LT23UK

Hearing the impact statements from some of the trailblazers for #WomeninLearning #WiLPledge #L1S1 #LT23UK and being asked "Where can we have the greatest impact right now?"

It's easy to be 'not sexist', it takes more effort to be 'ANTI-sexist' @AndrewJacobsLnD #L1S1 #LT23UK

Observations from one of the groups is where are all the men in this session? 🤔 we need your allyship! #L1S1 #LT23UK

Will you make a pledge? #WILPLEDGE #L1S1 #LT23UK

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