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She/her on a passionate mission for equality. Love people & love technology. Can offend academics and complex thinkers by simplifying everything! ❤️ 💃🏻 💪🏽

May 3, 2023, 22 tweets

Change Management #T252 up next. Curious how we think about change in a world that’s constantly evolving. On my bingo card for words used to describe the current environment in this session I have ‘BANI’. B:rittle, A:nxious, N:on-linear and I:incomprehensible. #LT23UK

Florence Dambricourt @talking4good steps up first and dives straight into the illusion of managing change.

‘It’s about enabling change’
#T252 #LT23UK

Florence speaks of creating space through meaningful conversations. By opening the space you can collect data that informs you on how to make your change a success. This is not about reaching consensus, but you still have created space for others to make changes. #T2S2 #LT23UK

@talking4good highlights the perception of time to change, often measuring from preparation of change which takes as long as actual change!

Implementing a new strategy and vision is harder then implementing new systems @talking4good implies as she shares tips on enabling this complexity. Hint ‘build it together’ is key #T2S2 #LT23UK

Great question from the audience on how you balance workloads with change. @talking4good asks us to assess the level of change, the impact it will make and how you can ‘turn the balance of ownership’. #T2S2 #LT23UK

@SaskiavdBT steps up next to continue the subject of Change Management #T2S2

Saskia promises to share how she works with senior leaders @Philips and what she’s learnt. #LT23UK but first a question for the audience…

What do you think of when you think of change? #T2S2 #LT23UK

Next question from @SaskiavdBT

‘What words come to mind when you think of the role of a leader during change?’

@Philips people leaders have taught @SaskiavdBT
1. Tell & re-tell the story
2. Empathy & Trust
3. Lead the way
4. Empower your champions
5. Celebrate & have fun

#T2S2 #LT23UK

Julie Woodward picks up from @SaskiavdBT where she’ll take us through the 7 tips for L&D practitioners #T2S2 #LT23UK

Super pragmatic tips from Julia:
1. Instil change awareness #T2S2 #LT23UK

Tip 2. Feel the fear #T2S2 #LT23UK

Tip 3. Understand business and align #T2S2 #LT23UK

Tip 4. Help teams think further…

Called out as Julie’s favourite tip!

#T2S2 #LT23UK

Tip 5. Champion the champion

#T2S2 #LT23UK

Tip 6. Be agile

#T2S2 #LT23UK

And the final Tip 7. Lead the digital way
#T2S2 #LT23UK

Audience member homes in on the ‘champions of change’ and how the sentiment in the champions teams could be worlds apart from those feeling victimised by change in the business? #T2S2 #LT23UK

@SaskiavdBT will invite ‘resistors’ to own championing the change.

In contrast Julie says maybe you have the wrong champions! ‘It’s a sales job’!

Florence calls out it’s within that tension that innovation happens!

#T2S2 #LT23UK

Personally found @talking4good really inspiring in this session. So much comes down to the power of conversation and the space we can create. How do we do this at scale? #T2S2 #LT23UK

@threadreaderapp unroll please

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