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Owner of https://t.co/qEF7hfyJY8 | Twitch / YouTube / Official Content Creator | #SWTOR | swtorista@gmail.com | Moving away from this platform. 📘

May 3, 2023, 37 tweets

The #SWTOR Twitch Developer livestream is starting soon! Watch live at twitch.tv/swtor (or go to the videos section after it ends.) Updates on 7.3 including story, May the 4th news, game changes and more!

This will be a live tweet thread! 🧵 ...

The stream starts off with Eric Musco Game Director and Jackie Community Manager saying hi! #SWTOR

New #SWTOR story! This is going to be set on Voss through a new Flashpoint 0 it is not part of the main story and can be played outside the main story.

Old Wounds new storyline and characters are going to be covered too!

PvP, Economic, and new Cartel items.


LotsSahar code! before may 18

Old Wounds Storyline talk with @ashleyruhls narrative director and @akacaitlin lesder #SWTOR writer.

Ashley and Caitlin talk about the story you can see in 7.3! Heta Kol and Shae Vizla was the previous 7.2 story but... #SWTOR

- Coming back to Darth Malgus story and returning characters
- Allies have been searching for clues to Darth Nul and info #swtor

Returning characters: another crack at interogating Darth Malgus #SWTOR

returning: Shae Vizla

Returning character: Sana Rae! Updates on her relic hunt too.

LOL no spoilers but a potential other returning character who went on a mission.

returning character if currently recruited: Torian Cadera #SWTOR

A new #SWTOR area on Voss! How cool returning to an old planet. New landing zone - not as big as Ruhnuk, small new area,

New characters in 7.3 #SWTOR

Voss sounds like it will be very interesting based on the previous story w/ Vaylin attacking.

New 7.3 character: Kodom the Gormak #SWTOR

new #swtor character: Maton-Ja voss mystic

New #SWTOR decos! part of voss area

New #SWTOR voss mystic armors! as part of the 7.3 area / flashpoint

New flashpoint: story, vet master "Shrine of Silence" #SWTOR

new guest speaker: Daniel Cefaratti Encounter Designer #SWTOR

The Cursed Vorantikus is the first boss of the new flashpoint - he has a new tactic of "donut rings" with safe zones. #SWTOR

STACK UP - OR ELSE! for one of the later fights haha! cuddle up! #SWTOR

Victoria McQuarrie (sp)? Encounter designers for #SWTOR! telling us about one of the flashpoint encounters.

"The Curse" mechanic - it's important to keep your party healthy - have a good healer for master mode! taps into the spirit world and corrupts its victims. #SWTOR part of the upcoming voss flashpoints - monstrosity has been growing in power absorbing

PvP #SWTOR changes - this will be the first time we meet Shabir who has been posting on the forums about balancing changes.

#SWTOR PVP changes:

- voidstar medals
- novare coast medals like alderaan
- huttball most changes

Will be on pts and detailed on forums.

PvP Season 3 starts on July 18th, #SWTOR

#SWTOR season pvp 3 an armor reward

Justin from the #SWTOR dev team talks about the economy changes from the last update and future goals for 7.3 including future overhaul of GTN later.

#SWTOR credit inflation talks

sneak peak of #SWTOR cartel items

#SWTOR upcoming blasters - o bi wan inspired and andor inspired - there also more coming too in 7.3

Oh! Nar Shaddaa Nightlife #SWTOR wont be coming with 7.3 but will with July 11, 2023

New #SWTOR mount possibly jetpack related giveaway - no pic yet

Double XP #SWTOR running May 4 - 18 - two weeks! login before May 18th to get a free pet too! omg they had a physical version of it on stream too cute

Livestream recap #SWTOR

whole team is back int he office and excited about 7.3. the end. - #SWTOR

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