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May 3, 2023, 19 tweets

/1🔎BIDEN DOCS — New emails obtained from our lawsuit against the National Archives provide further evidence that Hunter Biden’s personal business activities comingled with Joe Biden’s official business, beginning in Vice President Biden’s first year in the White House.


/2 On May 18, 2009, Alan Hoffman, Deputy Chief of Staff to the Vice President, sent an email to Michael Mongan, Deputy Counsel to the Vice President, with the subject line: “FW: Ethiopia.”

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/3 …The email was withheld because its release “would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors.”

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/4 …However, we know from @ChuckGrassley and @SenRonJohnson joint committee majority staff report that Hunter was a Secret Service protectee on an official trip to Ethiopia in June 2009.…

/5 If Hunter’s trip to Ethiopia only involved his personal business with Seneca Global Advisors, Biden’s White House advisors’ discussion about Hunter’s trip would not have involved confidential advice to the Vice President.

/6 @ChuckGrassley and @SenRonJohnson supplemental report indicates that Hunter maintained an equity stake in Seneca Global Advisors according to financial documents relating to CEFC, the CCP-affiliated company Hunter had agreed to advise.…

/7 On May 22, 2009, Jennifer Prewitt emailed Hunter’s Rosemont Seneca business partner, Eric Schwerin, and CC’ed:

✔️Hunter Biden
✔️Nancy Massey (Office of the Vice President)
✔️Rob Walker (Biden family associate who received money from a Chinese energy company, and subsequently……

/8 The National Archives withheld this record in full because, allegedly, the record was a “personal record” that was “misfiled” according to the Presidential Records Act.

/9 While Hunter’s activities with Seneca Global Advisors, Rosemont Seneca, Rob Walker, and his financial advisor would seem “personal” in nature, the involvement of political appointees in the White House and DHS infer that Hunter’s activities were commingled with VP Biden’s……

/10 …As such, the National Archives improperly withheld the record under the Presidential Records Act.

/11 On July 14, 2009, Hunter Biden’s business associate, Eric Schwerin, emailed Hunter and the VP’s Deputy Chief of Staff, Alan Hoffman, at his personal email address about “Mr. Gang's visit.”

NARA withheld the email in full because its release “would disclose confidential……

/12 On that day, China Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang spoke at a press conference addressing China’s arrest of employees of Rio Tinto, the world's second-largest metals and mining corporation, for alleged bribery and espionage.

/13 Because the National Archives withheld the email in full, it is unclear what was communicated between Hunter’s private business associate and his father’s White House staff, and whether it was related to the topic addressed by Mr. Gang.

However, keep reading…

/14 According to the New York Times, Hunter Biden’s CCP-backed investment fund, Bohai Harvest RST (BHR), was heavily involved with financing China’s acquisition of mining interests around the world, presumably in competition with Rio Tinto.

/15 According to documents obtained by the @GOPoversight, Eric Schwerin was the president of the since-dissolved investment fund Rosemont Seneca Partners, which, according to @ChuckGrassley @SenRonJohnson joint committee majority staff report, was merged with CCP-linked firm……

/16 So on the same day that a CCP official was addressing allegations of political retaliation against Rio Tinto, Hunter’s business partner involved with CCP-backed mining deals was reaching out to VP Biden’s Deputy Chief of Staff about that CCP official’s upcoming visit.

/17 Raising further concern, by applying a P5 exemption to the record, the National Archives indicates that it contains “confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or between such advisors.”

/18 If the National Archives is asserting that Eric Schwerin was an official advisor to VP Biden, that relationship has not been previously disclosed and raises the specter of serious ethics violations stemming from the conflict of interest. Alternatively, this is just another……

/19 The National Archives continues to abuse the Presidential Records Act to unlawfully conceal these emails, and the evidence of the Biden family’s corruption, and AFL intends to challenge this improper concealment in court.…

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