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She/her on a passionate mission for equality. Love people & love technology. Can offend academics and complex thinkers by simplifying everything! ❤️ 💃🏻 💪🏽

May 4, 2023, 39 tweets

#LT23UK Opening address - The neuroscience of perception, creativity, bias and learning from @BeauLotto

Straight into inspiring content from @BeauLotto you have no idea how to make decisions if you don’t know what’s coming #LT23UK

It’s less about the decision being good or bad and more about how you respond @BeauLotto #LT23UK

Epic content coming here #LT23UK ‘expand your degrees of freedom’

@BeauLotto had us on our feet acting like conductors right up until the final cord, then cut the music! Brilliant, we all wanted more! #LT23UK

‘The problem is the world is changing. It’s always going to change, the problem is that most learning strategies miss out the most important step in change. To deviate from knowing’ #LT23UK

@BeauLotto calls out that we ‘strive to stand still’ during change #LT23UK

So what’s @BeauLotto’s solution? #LT23UK

The use of music in this session is so powerful! @BeauLotto crested ‘delusions’ to point out our brains make assumptions and biases based on our past experiences. #LT23UK

Assumptions from business’s that discourages change #LT23UK

Our assumptions keep us alive!

Audience in raptures from this awesome speaker @BeauLotto #LT23UK

These assumptions whilst not always bad need to be assessed. We need to be aware of our biases and assumptions so we can drive change #LT23UK

‘We colour other people’ #LT23UK we project a meaning onto others

But we don’t know the ‘why’ we’ve assumed it!

@BeauLotto’s goal is to increase ‘doubt’ in todays audience at #LT23UK

‘Dying is easy, staying alive is tough. Knowing was a good idea because dying was easy!’ We increase certainty by creating more extreme views. The brain seeks agency, you’ll create patterns that don’t exist!

@BeauLotto states ‘we don’t have a celebration of understanding’ as we do for knowledge #LT23UK

We actively avoid what does not fit our expectations #LT23UK

‘You can change’ inspiring from @BeauLotto ‘the brain wants the consequence of the change but not the process’

‘Your brain is changing right now’ it’s evolved to evolved.

‘The more complex world, the more complex brain’ #LT23UK

‘Thinking is expensive which is why so few people do it’ #LT23UK @BeauLotto

‘The power of ignoring with awareness’ takes work. The best things in life takes energy. Create richness to energize the brain #LT23UK

‘Perception under pins everything it means to be human’ @BeauLotto #LT23UK

‘Learning is about expanding your perspective of the world’

‘You see meaning of the world - not the world!’ #LT23UK

‘Information is meaningless. You are essential to create meaning to information’ #LT23UK

How can we ‘change the meaning’ to change perception? #LT23UK

#LT23UK ‘being prepared is a way of being’

@BeauLotto reminds us of the intrinsic reward when we play. We love uncertainty in this context #LT23UK

‘Science is nothing but playing with intention’ #LT23UK

‘It begins with awe and wonder’

‘Your more likely to sit with not knowing’ #LT23UK

‘Embody this not just for you, but for others too’ #LT23UK

@BeauLotto ‘you will effect the well-being of others’

‘I’m not their boat, I’m their sandbar’ #LT23UK

@BeauLotto asks ‘when can we practice this?’

In moments that matter, during conflict is a good example. We set up conflict to win not learn.


‘When someone feels understood they feel seen’

Listening well is acknowledging assumptions and biases.

Typical behaviors of conflict #LT23UK

‘The problem isn’t conflict, it’s how you enter it’ #LT23UK

‘Enter conflict with a question’ ‘then iterate to better questions, that’s what science is’ #LT23UK

‘Meaning is not inherent in the world. It’s how you look at it. Learning is not what you see, it’s how you look’


Beautiful summary and stunning presentation from @BeauLotto in the opening address of #LT23UK

@threadreaderapp please unroll

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