Vicky Park Profile picture
Senior Specialist Tutor (e-learning) @NES_Pharmacy. Current #mscde student. All views expressed are my own.

May 4, 2023, 10 tweets

Next up is 'Diversity and inclusion: Impactful interventions' chaired by @niallgavinuk with lead speaker @msabella and her awesome panel #T5S5 #LT23UK

Talking about the popularity of unconscious bias training, @msabella shares that unfortunately the evidence shows it doesn't reduce bias but in some cases actually increases bias. Why is that?
#T5S5 #LT23UK

Answer: it normalises bias
#T5S5 #LT23UK

So what's our role in L&D? @msabella
tells us it's what we do on a day to day basis and building capability within your organisation #T5S5 #LT23UK

But how do we do this? It's over to the panel to tell us!
#T5S5 #LT23UK

How do you get everyone else to come with you? Answer is NOT just more unconscious bias training! Don't rush to a solution, look at how/why what you've been doing already isn't working. How are you defining impact?
#T5S5 #LT23UK

How do you do impact measurement and evaluation? Quantitative data is useful to a point but counting bums on seats at training won't measure impact. You need the "data with soul" i.e. qualitative data - talk to people!
#T5S5 #LT23UK

Using the number of women in engineering as an example, Joanna Whiteman says there's no point encouraging more women into a workforce that is not inclusive because they'll not stay!
#T5S5 #LT23UK

To round off this thread, @niallgavinuk asked Sanaa Khan to reprise her #30Under30 comment from this morning's session in his Chair’s intro and I'm so glad he did because I was so busy listening, nodding and agreeing that I didn't capture it first time round! #T5S5 #LT23UK

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