Gaurav Prakash M.D. Profile picture
Medical Oncologist, Prof, PGI-Chandigarh. Dedicated to help cancer patients. Editor @IJMPOofficial. An avid biker 🚴&🏃🌄. #PGI #AIIMS. Tweets personal.

May 4, 2023, 7 tweets

How to read an HLA report?
A thread 🧵✍️on understating HLA typing for BMT

Key slides from my talk at #ISBMT Annual Meeting
(1/7) @IsbmtU @ASTCT @ASTCT_Journal @ISMPOofficial @ishbtHematology

➡️Usually, a high resolution HLA typing is done for finding a donor for BMT.
➡️It employs Next generation sequencing.
As a result the report comes in form of a combination of many letters and numbers.
This slides explains 4 major fields of HLA report

The last two suffixes in HLA nomenclature, in this case 02: 14, are not used for HLA matching in routine clinical practice.

Their interpretation is as follows.

What do we understand by "low resolution typing"?

and what is a high resolution typing?

The last point is a bit complex:- it is direction of HLA mismatch.
➡️A mismatch in graft vs host direction increases risk of GVHD
➡️A mismatch in host vs graft direction increases risk of graft loss.

Ending this thread🧵 with tributes to these 3 eminent scientists who discovered HLA and revolutionized the field of immunology and BMT.
They were awarded Nobel prize for medicine in 1980.
(7/7) 🙏

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