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She/her on a passionate mission for equality. Love people & love technology. Can offend academics and complex thinkers by simplifying everything! ❤️ 💃🏻 💪🏽

May 4, 2023, 37 tweets

Last session at #LT23UK on Immersive Technology! #T1S6

Question on the slides as we enter the room…

First speaker #LT23UK on Immersive Technology #T1S6 is @AndyFidel_

‘Tech is transforming how we work and how we communicate’ #T1S6 #LT23UK

The challenges #T1S6

The opportunities for immersive tech #T1S6 #LT23UK

@AndyFidel_ coined the term ‘spacial networks’ #T1S6 #LT23UK

What is a spacial network? @AndyFidel_ explains the pillars #T1S6 #LT23UK

Why integrate spacial networks into your learning? #T1S6 #LT23UK

@AndyFidel_ brings to life what she means by being memorable (including soft skills) #T1S6 #LT23UK

Next Being Reactive #T1S6 #LT23UK

Bridging the gap #T1S5 #LT23UK

And the last one Scaling Distribution #T1S6 #LT23UK

Last thoughts from @AndyFidel_ punchy presentation to show us how accessible immersive tech is! #T1S6 #LT23UK

Up next to bring immersive experience to life through @ScotRail case study presented by Sodi Kakouris #T1S6 #LT23UK

The challenge Sodi needed to solve for #T1S6 #LT23UK

Even the team needed upskilling #T1S6 #LT23UK

Where @ScotRail felt resistant to immersive tech #T1S6 #LT23UK

The timeline. Sodi explains he set the 6 month goal. #T1S6 #LT23UK

Four phases to this process:

Phase 1. Try before you buy
#T1S6 #LT23UK

Phase 2. Find the right tool
#T1S6 #LT23UK

Phase 3. Pilot to Partnership #T1S6 #LT23UK

What’s next for @ScotRail with immersive tech? Sodi explains his team will soon be able to build this stuff without external partners! #T1S6 #LT23UK

Next we get to hear the @NHSEngland case study on immersive technologies from @SeanBradburyHEE #T1S6 #LT23UK

Who are the TEL team within the NHS?

#T1S6 #LT23UK

The challenge as described by @SeanBradburyHEE #T1S6 #LT23UK

How the TEL team partner within the NHS

#T1S6 #LT23UK

Typical job titles the TEL team works with #T1S6 #LT23UK

The TEL teams approach to immersive technology #T1S6 #LT23UK

@SeanBradburyHEE invited a his colleague up Michelle to share more on 360 video #T1S6 #LT23UK

Michelle shares how they approached funding and roll out. Specifically utilizing a license model. #T1S6 #LT23UK

Cash strapped NHS save money using immersive tech 360 videos.

Brilliant transparency here

#T1S6 #LT23UK

They show us an example of 360 video for carers. Very cool.

@SeanBradburyHEE steps back in to share where this is all going.

Mental health will be a huge focus for the future. Applied as preventative measure sounds unreal! More opportunities captured here

#T1S6 #LT23UK

Last note from @SeanBradburyHEE
Calls out they’re wanting to ‘democratize access to immersive tech’

And shares some useful resources for us all! Thanks Sean and Michelle!

#T1S6 #LT23UK

Question from the audience on measurement. Not a lot of tangible answers from all speakers on this panel @SeanBradburyHEE speaks of comparing outcomes to traditional training. @AndyFidel_ calls out her data is social proof. #T1S6 #LT23UK

Second audience question focuses on accessibility. Panelists are striving for this and will be a work in progress.

Third Q for @AndyFidel_ about her physical presence and how that’s impacted by her virtual presence.

#T1S6 #LT23UK

@AndyFidel_ beautifully articulates how practice in VR world (more eccentric) made her reality (more introverted) better. ‘It’s made me a better person’

#T1S6 #LT23UK

@threadreaderapp unroll please

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