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GP (Ex-Partner/Trainer) - enjoying the extra time & space - Believe in the NHS (Opinions my own) - ‘NHS Facts and Stats’ Facebook - DAUK GP Spokesperson #BeKind

May 4, 2023, 8 tweets

When part-time is really full-time

When GP hours are counted

Official figures for GP working hours are counted in sessions

A session is 4hrs 10 mins or half a day

9 sessions is 37.5hrs or full-time officially

But there is a problem


A GP session or half day can actually exceed 6hours

For the majority it is between 5-6hrs

This means the hours counted are underestimated by 1-2 hours session

So GP hours are not officially accurate


GPs working 6-8 sessions are officially counted part-time

The vast majority are often exceeding Full-time hours


There are also safe recommendations for the number of consultations a day

The majority of GPs are exceeding these recommendations

And this does not include other work done


All this is in the backdrop of GPs leaving

The UK is training GPs but the overall number is falling year on year

This means the workload is increasing year on year


Of major concern is that younger GPs are leaving in greater numbers

The retention crisis in General Practice is a major problem


The reasons are multiple for the GP crisis

But underlying it all is a lack of funding

A Contract that demands too much for too little

And 360,000,000 appts a year is still not enough

Half the population consults every month

There is a #GPCrisis

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