Nyaboth Paska Profile picture
🇸🇸|Pan African| Women| Peace| Security| Story telling| Concerned Citizen interested in progressive Narratives| Views expressed are my own!

May 4, 2023, 11 tweets

Here is a summary🧵 of my experience in Khartoum #Sudan and beyond when the conflict erupted on 15 April!

- I Arrived Khartoum on 10th April, to take up a new role. I went to office on Tues, Wed and Thurs. Fri & Sat is weekend. Sunday is first day of the week and work.

- Friday 14, I scouted for an apartment and got one.

- Saturday April 15, I was headed to Dahabshil to pick money and pay landlord. Shooting erupted in front of my tuktuk (‘Raksha’). Driver Made the fastest U-turn have ever seen- back to hotel.

- From Sunday April 16, to one week later there was no hope but intense firing continued, cooks deserted the hotel and we had to go to the kitchen to cook, we ran out of supply but I had some water and a few sugary edibles. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

- Wednesday April 19: Paleki and Kwachi (my cousins) Picked me from the hotel and together we went home- to Kwaci’s house. (the risk they took is a story for another day- bless them 🙏🏿😅)

- One of the days of the ceasefire which was meant to allow mov’t, the 3 of us, decided to drive to pick Leki’s valuables and then proceed to pick my bags from the hotel.

Unfortunately we were stopped and robbed under gun point, ok they weren’t pointing at us but they made sure it was visible and intimidating (Nitty gritty for another day)

- Thurs, Fri, Sat, lol shit got real- the members of the family in the house left! We remained only 3, 2 ladies and 1 gent.

- Few days later gun shots got more closer to the house, sniper bullets found in the sink and at the entrance floor.

- 6am Sunday 23, I left Khartoum for Port Sudan thru madani, Gadarif and Kassala- 30 hours by bus. (Nitty gritty story for later)

- April 24 evening we arrived port Sudan.

- April 25, we left for Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) by ship through the Red Sea- for 24 hours, ok it’s actually over 30 hours, we entered the ship at 4am on 25 April and it started moving at 8am. We arrived Jeddah at 4am and got out of the ship at 8am of April 26.

- April 26 at 6pm we set off from Jeddah by flight for Addis with a stop of 2.5 hours in Cairo.

- April 27, I arrived Addis at 3am but finally got to my resting place at 5am.

Yes it took us over 4 days on the way, The details of the pain, laughter and adventure is left out, stories for another day!

What a voyage! #PrayforSudan #KeepEyesonSudan

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