Still Typos Profile picture
Disaffected Leftist, disabled, gay rights,, pro cats anti gender identity ideology. Blue check paid for by a supporter-not monetized

May 4, 2023, 6 tweets

Ontario's Landlord and Tenant Board 'fundamentally failing,' ombudsman finds
I am a disaffected leftist, languishing on disability benefits in Ontario. I hate Ford, and he is causing a great deal of pain, but fellow lefties need to look at themselves too. The performative

faux leftists, the wokesters and hipsters who prioritized imaginary genders alienated many of us. That includes left wing, pro LGB people. Notably, Wynne, for all her progressive talk, didn't fix ODSP or housing crises, and she absolutely should have.

While the affluent, out of touch, mostly-white hipsters wank about how fair and progressive & diverse they are, the poor and the disabled-the MOST DIVERSE DEMOGRAPHICS in canada, have been ignored. Not just ignored, but we have been hurt by the people who are driving Canadians

away from the left wing parties & orgs.
The fake left, alienating wokies are NOT promoting diversity, and they aren't fixing problems. And they are forcing people to vote to the right to stop them. Most of you doing so don't even KNOW what the findings of progressive, formerly

pro trans countries like Sweden and Finland have found. They have found that the trans model does harm, especially for youth. Well meaning Canadians who use they/them pronouns are a) hurting diverse kids, and b) alienating people from the left, making them vote conservative. If

that's you, you need to do more than complain about Doug Ford. You need to own your responsibility for making people vote for him because the other options were as ridiculous. And expect this to be the reason people vote for #PierrePoilievre too.
#takebacktheleft or lose

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