Rejecting Gender Ideology. With typos Profile picture
Leftist, disabled Pro LGB, pro cats anti gender identity ideology. Blue check paid for by a supporter-thanks.
May 12 9 tweets 4 min read
Non-binary is trending,
Nobody is non-binary and the claim is much more than annoying narcissism and attention seeking.
It's the gender lobby's most effective tool to recruiting people to reject their sex class and to feel they have a stake in erasing sex class in language, law and policy. It's the fast track to convincing women to abandon their political class and claim a gender identity (which is designed to erase sex class in language, law, sports, and policy.)
By declaring normalImage 2/ non-feminine, non-masculine aesthetics (appearance styles) as making some women non-women, they/thems, the gender lobby is able to recruit any women who reject femininity to take the societal and political stand that their appearance makes them non-women. Some of these women are bribed to support the agenda of sex class erasure, some have no idea what the implications are.
But the implications are that when women or society see non-feminine women as non-women and see feminized men as women, then the link between sex class the word WOMAN are severed.

When the word woman becomes detached from it's function as being a sex class identifier,Image
Apr 4 5 tweets 2 min read
@SariboCook Feminism is activism FOR females BY females for FEMALE issues. Male inclusive and "genderology' feminism is the patriarchial establishment rebranding itself.
Also, most of us don't hate people who thnk they are trans. we hate the
1/ Image @SariboCook 2/ male rebranding, colonization, and rebranding. And we hate the unnecessary medialization for profit to simulate the oppose sex. None of these ideas are Image
Mar 16 7 tweets 3 min read
#SignsItMustBeACult is trending.
Gender identity ideology is a cult, but not only that, a harmful cult doing damage that most people are unaware of.
Thread of Damage
First, while genderologists tell you it frees people from stereotypes, it doesn't do that. Instead of arguing to break stereotypes based on one's sex, it argues to redefine yourself by stereotypes, creating new boxes, new tribalism, and dissassocaition and medicalization that goes with those boxesImage 2/ #SignsItMustBeACult
Recruits and indoctrinates kids using marketing tactics that had to be banned Image
May 22, 2023 17 tweets 4 min read
As someone who was briefly part of the alternative queer scene and am pretty in favor of adults having weird private sexual tastes, AGP ( I dated one) still poses a problem. That's because it's more than a private kink. My experience with AGP men is that it is more than a kink
1/ it is a personality disturbance which is fueled by the hormones and arousal of kink. Again, you say, so what, we cannot criminalize narcissism or kink. We can't, but we can and should be critical of kink in the public being accepted and normalized-what I saw of MOST AGP men
May 21, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
I am a leftist, but I am willing to be critical of left wing parties, establishments, and "women's" orgs that have failed women by pandering to this ideology. These are not personal attacks. We have been captured, we have tried to play along. some of us meant well, some
1 of us are influenced by other leftist policies or concerns other than defeating gender ideology.
I consider it my number one concern, because I don;t think we can fight for abortion rights, rape shelters, or other women's issues while men take our name and our funding. Some
May 21, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
It's not extremist to refuse to think that altered men are women. We have normalized the illusion that this is good and acceptable, and we can un-normalize it by changing the language and concepts that frame these men as women -and reassert that they are men.
May 21, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The key to this as I see it is twofold for those of us who don't want to legislate what people can do for our bodies. That is, convincing the public and the medical establishment that these interventions are unethical in the same way that removing limbs are...

1 2. The man who wanted to remove his nose to become red skull had to pay to go to Switzerland to get it done. The medical establishment is supposed to have guidelines against promoting self harm. Sadly, however, because our medical establishment is profit driven, there is a great
May 19, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Well, my sister has just advised me that my mother has died in Vancouver. That was less than a month after we found out that she had cancer. We are glad that she didn't suffer much. No need for anyone to express condolences, but my thanks to the people who showed support by liking the thread.
I grew up in as a non-religious person in a very very religious community in rural alberta. It was confusing and painful for me, and I went on to study existentialism, religion and culture in university. I came to the conclusion that we cannot know what is

May 15, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
AGP is trending. AGP is a paraphilia in which a man is aroused by seeing himself as sex object-which he frames as womanhood. I dated an AGP man thinking it was just clothing. It was not, it was a personality disturbance. I DO support men who like feminine clothing to an extent-
1 there are fabulous flamboyant gay men out there and boys who like pink. But men who put on wigs and take fake sex hormones to grow tits are often disturbed and predatory. Furthermore, they cannot be differentiated in any way legally or medically from men with dysphoria
May 7, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
I used to think that we could co-exist with trans identity. I don't really now. I mean, its arguable that we can't stop people from wearing and altering how they want, but how we recognize that has to change: the model where we pretend they are quasi members of the opposite sex
1 is a conflict that cannot be overcome. People who want to uphold that illusion while denying them entry to our sports and spaces don't understand, it's pretty hard to police half-way. That's how we got here. Either we pretend that people who alter should have exceptions-
May 4, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Ontario's Landlord and Tenant Board 'fundamentally failing,' ombudsman finds
I am a disaffected leftist, languishing on disability benefits in Ontario. I hate Ford, and he is causing a great deal of pain, but fellow lefties need to look at themselves too. The performative
1/ Image faux leftists, the wokesters and hipsters who prioritized imaginary genders alienated many of us. That includes left wing, pro LGB people. Notably, Wynne, for all her progressive talk, didn't fix ODSP or housing crises, and she absolutely should have.
Apr 26, 2023 18 tweets 5 min read
I have many new followers recently from across the political spectrum. Most of you joined me because you too are fighting gender identity ideology. Be aware that I do it from a left leaning perspective-mostly because the institutional left (our parties and orgs), have bought
this agenda. My own parties and organizations are responsible for promoting this ideology as left wing and progressive-and I see it important to provide evidence that contradicts that. Gender identity ideology has been bought by the faux left, but it does not serve our
Apr 24, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
I am not a fan of Tucker Carlson, for a number of reasons. He was, however, questioning the gender lobby. As a left wing, pro LGB woman fighting gender identity ideology, I supported that. I wonder if the big money behind that movement was responsible for his ouster. If you
are a left leaning, pro LGB, pro diversity person living in North America, you are probably unaware that there are thousands of left leaning, centrist, LGBs, feminists, socialists, and pro diversity people fighting gender identity ideology. The North American media has
Apr 24, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
These people don't understand the puritanical backlash they will be creating. By refusing to take reasonable complaints and limits seriously, they force people to vote to the right and take an all or nothing approach. The backlash against normal gender non-conformity and LGBs
/1 /2 who have nothing to do with this, is on the rise.
I spent one year in the alternative adult community. (I left quickly.) The older people there knew that they were responsible for keeping their kinks private. What happens when "consenting adult" behavior becomes public
Apr 22, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
It ostracizes & damages those who don’t comply. Yes.
I know people don't like comparisons between Nazis and the gender lobby, because they of course are very different. However, they do use some of the same strategies. And I think often about the scene in Schindler's list
/1 where a bunch of people make a Nazi salute, and Schindler clearly doesn't want to. there is a pause while he struggles with that moment of exposure and peer pressure- and gender identity ideology has instituted these same mechanisms in our orgs. They know that many of us are
Apr 22, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
something that is absolutely shocking to me is that if you need services for depression or mental health crisis in Canada, you can't access them without being bombarded with gender identity propaganda. Providers, even providers like Catholic social services, which provide
to non denominational, non religious people, start their sites with gender identity ideology flags, questions (pronouns) without failing to realize that those questions are in themselves denominational and triggering, and may prevent people from getting help.
As someone
Feb 12, 2023 19 tweets 5 min read
/1 If you think I have become increasingly militant over the last few years, you are not all wrong. I live in Canada where the party (1984) is all seeing and promotes gender identity ideology in all spheres and speech. Those of you who think that the tides are turning... you /2 ... I would urge you to be cautious. this fight will take years. There are times when we have a victory and breathe a sigh of relief, but the TRAs (and the lobby and the money) reorganize and fight back. They own our parties and orgs, and they aren't
Feb 11, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
#defundcbc #defundbbc
I am left wing, pro LGB, pro choice, former Liberal/NDP, disabled woman. I grew up with great respect for CBC, but have lost it as I have seen them promote sexist, homophobic fake-woke "gender" ideology. More importantly, I have seen them FAIL to cover
the IMPORTANT and compelling news stories that would inform Canadians about why women & ideology.
Canadians have not heard about the Tavistock Scandal because the CBC didn't cover it. We didn't hear about pro-trans countries
Feb 11, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
I have some thoughts about furries, since many people fighting gender identity ideology have questions about what it is. I have some experiences.
/1 When I was in Toronto, I briefly joined the alternative scene, and the genderqueer community peaked me. I started fighting gender /2 ideology. I most often see people asking if furries are a kink. The answer is yes and no. I met some oleo who were into furry culture because they liked cos-play and I met those who were involved specifically in anonymous sex (offered by the costume) and bestiality.
Feb 11, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
Gender critical people have different visions on how we will exist with 'trans" people going forward. I was there with those who wanted to co-exist with transsexuals and only keep them out of women's sports and spaces. The problem is, the more you look into gender identity /1 ideology, the more one sees that this isn't possible. This is not the rare, post op, HSTS of yesterday. This is a huge class of people, and a harmful class. If we were talking about just dysphorics, as many GC people wish, that would be one thing. /2
Dec 19, 2022 14 tweets 6 min read
Several men have asked why there is outrage about men claiming to be women (#TransWomenAreConMen ) and not women doing the same to men.
Explanation: first, it hurts all of us when we frame diverse men AND women as other than what they are.
Yes, that includes women claiming /1 /2 to be men or non-women (non-binary and other nonsense).
There is are several reasons why we must talk about it more when men do it than when women do it. And it's shocking if you don't know what those reasons are