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May 5, 2023, 10 tweets

Here we go, the mighty jobs day thread!

253,000 new jobs, another really strong jobs report!

So we are now:

33.8m jobs = 16 yrs Clinton, Obama
12.7m jobs = 27 months Biden
1.9m jobs = 16 yrs Bush, Bush, Trump 1/

GDP growth under Biden running at 3 times the rate as under Trump: 2/

The 253,000 jobs created just in April is 2 years of job growth under the last 3 GOP Presidents. 2 years!

Jobs have been created at 50 times the rate under Biden as under the last 3 Rs. Trump saw net job loss on his watch. Sad! 3/

At 3.4% unemployment rate is the lowest in a peacetime US since WWII. A majority of Americans have never experienced an unemployment rate this low.

Biden is 3rd straight D President to see substantial decline in the unemployment rate.

It's gone up under last 3 Rs. 4/

Since 1989, 49m net new jobs have been created in America.

47m, 96%, have been created under Democratic Presidents. Essentially all of them. 5/

Wages continue to grow at historically elevated levels. This has been particularly true of people who earn the least. 6/

During the Biden Presidency America has seen the lowest uninsured and lowest poverty rates in our history. 7/

Americans continue to start new businesses at very elevated levels.

True measure of health and vitality of the US economy - "can do" spirit is alive well today! 8/

There are almost two openings per unemployed person in America - a truly remarkable stat.

It's why we need more immigrants, not more child labor. 9/

America is on track to produce more crude oil this year than any year in our history.

Coupled with increases in renewables, America is more energy independent today than it has been in decades. 10/

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