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Reproductive Health | Men's Health & Wellness | Mandela Washington Fellow |

May 5, 2023, 6 tweets


There are people with annoying cough or phlegm which is stuck in the throat.

Sometimes they lose their voices.

These symptoms never clear despite them being prescribed antibiotics or steroids.

Let me tell you what it is:

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NB: the cough is not associated with any chest symptoms therefore it is not related to any respiratory illness.

This is a symptom of GASTRIC JUICE REFLUX.

It is a symptom of an inflamed stomach or gastritis.

A symptom of low stomach acid (Hypochlorhydria).


When stomach acid is low, the gastroesophageal valve fails to close.

This leads to the pouring back of gastric acid to the oesophagus & throat.

What usually pours back is weak acid.

Real stomach acid is 1 - 3 on the PH scale. - and can melt a razor blade.


This intense strength makes the gastroesophageal valve to remain tightly closed and therefore prevents reflux.

But when the acid is weak, the oesophageal valve also becomes weak and therefore gastric juice is let back to the oesophagus.


This gastric juice burns the oesophagus and the tissues around the diaphragm thereby causing inflammation.

This inflammation leads to

- Cough

- Phlegm

- Hiccups


The solution to this problem is to strengthen the acid and return it to 1 -3 on the PH scale.

This is achieved by:

- Avoiding antacids, & antiulcer drugs

- Avoid unnecessary use of antibiotics & painkillers

- No sugar, grains, wheat & other inflammatory foods.


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