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Reproductive Health | Men's Health & Wellness | Mandela Washington Fellow |
153 subscribers
Jan 15 16 tweets 5 min read
If I were the President of KENYA,

Immediately after 25th June 2024, I would have gone silent, evaluate my priorities, listen to the people, sack everyone in the cabinet,

-- and this is how I would have RE-ORGANIZED the CABINET



The Internal Security will be collapsed and made a department under the Deputy President.

The Police Service is a constitutional entity that should remain semi-autonomous without president's interference.

Housing Department is here. Image
Oct 28, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
Somali men,

The reason I am talking to you is because you are the leader of your family.

The collective health of your family is in your hands.

Here is what you need to do to fix your health and your family's health.

6 things hospitals will not tell you: Image 1. EAT ONE MEAL A DAY:

You will not die.

Your forefathers spent time in the scorching sun, herding camels & goats. Therefore, they would eat once or the next day.

You are not different.

Your body was not designed to eat more than 2 meals a day.

Gluttony is a sin!

#ManDay Image
Aug 21, 2024 13 tweets 6 min read
Kenya's Gen Z, The Youth Council belongs to you, take it back now and use it for Civic Education.

Taxpayers fund the National Youth Council which was established to champion the youths' interests.

In 2023, the council was funded with KES 68 Million

Read this thread...Image This Council was established through its 2009 act of parliament.

It brings young people from the ward level through a rigorous youth election process up to a national level YOUTH BUNGE known as THE NATIONAL YOUTH CONGRESS.

Did you know this?

No, you didn't. Keep reading.
Sep 12, 2023 16 tweets 6 min read
If you are a woman who wants to rise above

- Mediocrity

- Degeneracy

- Depression

- and the chaos of the modern world,

Read this thread and fix your life.

🧵 Image 1. Remain chaste.

Preserve your feminine value. Your value is based on your fertility.

- Be a healthy and fertile woman.

- Avoid hormonal contraceptives.

- Don't abort unless for medical reasons.

Sep 6, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Once you "lose appetite",

Avoid these so-called appetite stimulant drugs.

"Loss of appetite" is communication by the body that something is wrong in the gut or on the brain-gut axis.

- Either what you eat is bad or the gut is tired and wants to rest.

Here is what to do Image 1. Give your gut a break by fasting:

Your gut is tired. You have been filling it with food hence overworking it.

It also needs to rest. This will

- Make it regenerate

- Refresh its effeciency

- Reset the lost gut-brain axis Image
Aug 16, 2023 14 tweets 5 min read
Before you consider cutting off your children's tonsils,

Read this thread and save your child from:

- Bulshit medical advice

- Painful surgical procedure

- Unnecessary medical bills

Hospitals are in the business of chasing profits.

Thread 🧵 ... Image Tonsils are 2 round fleshy lymphoid nodes in the back of the throat.

They are the first line of immune defence against disease-causing micro-organisms that enter the mouth.

These harmful organisms get into our mouths through fingers, cups, spoons or food etc Image
Aug 11, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
If you are struggling with ACNE,

Stop listening to mainstream advice.

They will mislead you to sell you drugs, injections, creams, soaps, lotions and towels.

Read this thread and have an acne-free face.

#FoodFriday Image Acne are pimples resulting from the clogging of air follicles with sebum, dead skin cells and dead proteins.

This clog attracts skin bacteria leading to inflammation and escalation of the pimples.

#FoodFriday Image
Aug 1, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
5 lessons we can learn from Kenyan Comedian "Crazy Kennar"

Thread 🧵 Image 1. A Man is the PILLAR

A man is the pillar of an idea.

He owns the dream, the vision, the mission and the goals to his ideas.

He builds the frame of his idea and breathes life into his idea.

He should therefore guard his idea with the claw of a hawk. Image
Jul 10, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
Here are 10 African books you should read to understand your cultural background.

#ManDay 1. The Concubine by Elechi Amadi

If you want to understand our cultural stories around "red-thigh" women, this is the book to read.

Ihouma is admired by all in her village. Yet those who express their love for her meet with mysterious tragedy, leaving her devastated.
Jun 14, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
If you have a smelly mouth and unpleasant breath,

Read this and fix your oral health.

Thread 🧵

#BetterTogether Image 1. Mouthwash

Stay away from mouthwash. They are expensive and useless.

They eradicate beneficial mouth bacteria and destabilize the alkalinity of your mouth.

They abolish an important chemical called nitric oxide which leads to oral bleeding.

#BetterTogether Image
May 19, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
When you break your fast,

Eat a meal that is light to the stomach, preferably a low-calorie drink.

Don't shock your stomach with a heavy meal.

Here is a list of what is friendly to your gut after a fast.

Thread... 🧵

#FoodFriday 1. Cabbage Juice:

- Glutathione
- Vitamin C

Cures stomach inflammation.

May 15, 2023 16 tweets 6 min read
The economy is shrinking,

The taxes are hiking,

If you earn less than 25K,

Stop panicking,

Read this thread 🧵...

#ManDay Live in a house worth 30% of your salary.

Don't live with a relative or a parent.

Pay rent.

The pain of paying rent will teach you about independence, discipline & hard work.

May 5, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read

There are people with annoying cough or phlegm which is stuck in the throat.

Sometimes they lose their voices.

These symptoms never clear despite them being prescribed antibiotics or steroids.

Let me tell you what it is:

Thread 🧵

#FoodFriday Image NB: the cough is not associated with any chest symptoms therefore it is not related to any respiratory illness.

This is a symptom of GASTRIC JUICE REFLUX.

It is a symptom of an inflamed stomach or gastritis.

A symptom of low stomach acid (Hypochlorhydria).

#FoodFriday Image
Jan 31, 2023 10 tweets 6 min read
SQUATS don't make buttocks big.

Illiterate gym bros mislead women that if they focus on squats, they will have curvy hips & bootylicious bums.

They also misinform men that if they do squats, their buttocks will be feminine.

Dismiss these lies.


#BetterTogether The muscles of the buttocks are known as GLUTEAL MUSCLES.

The gluteal muscles are in a grouping of three muscles:

- Gluteus maximus

- Gluteus medius

- Gluteus minimus

Jan 21, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
For Men invited to attend The Mandela Washington Fellowship interview,

Here is how to DISSECT the interview



Let's dive in.

Thread... 💈

#MasculinitySaturday 1. DISPOSITION

Walking into the Embassy's offices can humble & deflate your ego.

Don't appear inferior, timid, and frail.

Build confidence in your steps, face, gestures, voice & eyes.

Your demeanor says a lot about your leadership attitude.

Nov 7, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
10 tweets about the obesity of the abdomen also known as potbelly or a belly fat

#ManDay 1. The abdomen is the first place to accumulate fats when people get fat.

It will also be the last to get lean when you begin losing weight.
Oct 31, 2022 16 tweets 3 min read
15 Lessons on Health and Wellness for POLICE OFFICERS

#ManDay 1. It is a privilege and honour to be a police officer.

Many law-abiding citizens wanted to join the service but failed.

Use the opportunity to be patriotic, committed, and serve diligently.
Oct 27, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
ACTIVATED CHARCOAL is a powerful antioxidant yet we don't give it much attention.

Here are 5 benefits of activated charcoal.

#BetterTogether 1. ACTIVATED CHARCOAL is a potent absorbent.

It absorbs toxins especially from the oral cavity making it good for oral health, fresh breath and no plaques.

Use it for brushing your teeth.
Oct 18, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
Here are 10 Reasons why you are relapsing and struggling to quit MASTURBATION

Thread 🧵

#BetterTogether 1. You have not changed your environment.

Your mind is the product of your environment. Don't be stuck in an environment that triggers cravings.

Get into a new environment, and meet new peers. Take charge of your space.

Be the architect of your environment, not the victim.
Sep 28, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
Here are 10 truths about 'HUNGER' that you should know:


#BetterTogether 1. Hunger is a mindset. It does not exist.

It only exists in your imagination.
Sep 15, 2022 16 tweets 2 min read
Here are 15 lessons I have learnt as a civil servant working for Government.

Thread 🧵 1. Be loyal to yourself and believe in your work.

Don't be loyal to your boss.

Hanging around your boss will alienate you from your colleagues and your boss will finally dump you.