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May 5, 2023, 8 tweets

Roger Stone is amplifying RFK, Jr, who seems to be one of his pet projects (like Kanye). 1/


3/ One month before Kanye & Nick Fuentes dined with Trump. If u click it, u will see a reference to Tucker Carlson who has long been a part of Roger Stone’s inner network & wrote the intro to one of Stone’s books.

4/ Kanye’s antics were a Roger Stone op.

5/ Roger Stone has used anti-Semite Nick Fuentes’s streaming platform since last year - before Fuentes & Ye dined w/ Trump. #AllRoadsLeadToRogerStone…

6/ Running spoilers is one of Roger Stone’s pastimes. He’s been doing it since 1980 (Carter v Reagan).…

7/ “You have to be outrageous to get noticed” & “Politics is not about uniting people. It’s about dividing people” - Roger Stone

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