Dr Steve Taylor Profile picture
GP (Ex-Partner/Trainer) - enjoying the extra time & space - Believe in the NHS (Opinions my own) - NHS Facts and Stats Facebook - DAUK GP Spokesperson #BeKind

May 8, 2023, 8 tweets

GP ‘plan’ - phone lines but no REAL people

2000 Fewer GPs than 2015 when Jeremy Hunt promised 5000 more by 2020

GP Practices & Pharmacies are closing

Contracts that don’t pay enough

Being navigated to a struggling service will increase unhappiness for all

Steve Barclay rightly says GP practices are providing 2 million more appts a month than 2019

Consulting with half the population of the UK a month

GPs have done this with below inflation funding for the past 5 years

GPs are leaving in increasing numbers

Contracts handed back

GP is one of the most technologically advanced in #NHS

Embraced online forms of communication during the pandemic

Provide 20% more appts than 2019

Govt obsession with face-face appts undermines this very initiative

Tech is NOT the problem

GP numbers, funding, bureaucracy are

Whatever the Govt says

It is the lack of GPs that’s the problem

That problem stems from failures to address the underlying causes

Raising patient expectations of a smaller number of GPs will increase frustration for all

Blame MPs, DHSS, NHSE not GPs


UK population ⬆️⬆️7% - 2012-23

GPs ⬇️ 7%

District nurses ⬇️42%

Health Visitors ⬇️30%

Learning Disability Nurses⬇️23%

School Nurses⬇️25%

Nursing home beds ⬇️ 12%

Residential Care home beds ⬇️16%


🆘GP Crisis🆘

The NHS GP contract - 230 pages

NHS & Government regulation for GP services

GPs are forced to accept what little the Government will provide for Primary Care


Without proper funding General Practice will collapse

8000 too few GPs

More leaving

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