Trevor Baxendale Profile picture
blood, toil, tears and sweat

May 10, 2023, 10 tweets

I was never keen on Bond going MIA after being shot by Moneypenny at the start of SKYFALL. And it takes ages for him to get back into the plot and the action. It wouldn’t have happened like that in Roger Moore’s day, I thought… which got me thinking… 1/ 🧵#JamesBond

How would they have picked up the story after the titles were done? Straight into Moneypenny’s office, of course! Maybe it would have gone something like this… 2/


MONEYPENNY: James! Where have you been?

BOND: Recuperating, Moneypenny - from an attempt on my life.

MONEYPENNY: Yes, sorry about that.

BOND: Moneypenny, if I wanted anyone to put a high-velocity sniper’s bullet through my shoulder… it would be you.

MONEYPENNY: But you’ve been gone for weeks. How is your poor shoulder now?

BOND: As tender as my feelings for you, darling.

M (INTERCOM): Miss Moneypenny, if 007 is here send him straight in. We’ve wasted enough time already.

BOND (TO MONEYPENNY): Oh, and thank you for the flowers…

MONEYPENNY: Oh no - they’re from Q!


BOND: Good morning, sir.

M: Now that you’ve been declared fit for duty, 007, you might care to resume your assignment on Operation Hard Drive. I’ve had people searching the world for the blessed thing and so far - nothing.

BOND: Maybe this will help, sir.

M: Iron filings, 007?

BOND: Fragments of the bullet from Patrice’s gun, sir. I dug them out if my shoulder on the way back from St Tropez. Perhaps Q Branch could trace the ammunition to its owner.

M: Good idea…

M: (USING INTERCOM) Moneypenny? Send the Quartermaster in, please. (TO BOND) St Tropez? I thought you were shot in Istanbul?

BOND: I was, sir. But the Service convalescent home was in St Tropez.

M: Oh, was it?!

BOND: Well, I… thought it best to get back to full fitness as soon as possible, sir, and St Tropez had a spare bed going.

M: Several spare beds and a few spare nurses, from what I’ve heard!

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