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May 10, 2023, 8 tweets

1️⃣ LB Rewards: Epoch 4 Results

• 95 Makers qualified
• Sharing 210k $JOE tokens
• Makers average fees: $1.7k
• Makers average $JOE rewards: 2.2k

Master Liquidity Book and you can unlock $JOE rewards, helping to boost your yield further + give you access to the #MakersClub

2️⃣ Quick Recap: What is this program?

• LPs compete to earn $JOE Tokens
• Each LP is scored and ranked over a time period
• Scoring based on: Fees earned
• To qualify LPs have to generate >1% of total fees
• More fees you accrue, more rewards you earn

3️⃣ Epoch 4 Details

Maker rewards allow for targeted incentivization. Only the best Liquidity Providers will qualify for a share.

Epoch 4 had 210k $JOE Tokens allocated over 2 weeks distributed amongst the below markets.

4️⃣ Top performing mfers

Top Makers took home 16k, 14k, and 13k $JOE tokens. Sharing 20% of total $JOE allocated to this epoch. Not bad.

Soon, you'll be able to track the top performing mfers in real time, thanks to a nifty leaderboard system 😎

5️⃣ Partners: @magpiexyz_io

The LB Rewards program helps partners to reward LPs in a sustainable and healthy manner. Reducing emissions by targeting the 'best' LPers.

Magpie utilized this to help bootstrap their LP and 3 Makers have qualified to share $MGP + $JOE rewards.

6️⃣ Partners: @BenqiFinance

Benqi allocated 400k $QI to the $sAVAX - $AVAX pool on #Avalanche

In total 7 Makers qualified, with one Maker scoring high enough to take 50% of total $QI rewards.

7️⃣ #MakersClub

All qualifying Makers will join the Trader Joe Maker Club, unlocking exclusive community perks such as a rare discord role, access to the Makers Club channel for alpha sharing and the Makers NFT mintable on @Galxe

Do you qualify in this Epoch?

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