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A guy who’s all about research, milking DeFi & airdrops for gains, and keeping you in the loop every step of the way.

May 11, 2023, 15 tweets

🪂 Earn $25,000 with LayerZero Airdrop 🪂

💧I earned $20.000 with #Arbitrum airdrop and about 650k wallets received airdrop

💰 I think @LayerZero_Labs will make the biggest airdrop ever 👇


⚡️ What is LayerZero ?

✨Layer Zero aims to provide a better experience to users by eliminating the interoperability and communication problems of projects specific to DeFi.

🚨 In the round that includes Binance, Coinbase and A16z, $ZRO Raised $263 Million in Total Investments!

1️⃣ @StargateFinance

▪️ Use Stargate Bridge
▪️ Stake $STG and participate in voting
▪️ Stake from coins supported on different chains

✨ Except using the bridge; I don't think joining Dao and adding liquidity will be airdrop criteria, but such are the rumors.

2️⃣ @RDNTCapital

✨ Buy $RDNT on $BNB or $ARB network. Transfer using a bridge between 2 networks from the link below 👇


📝 Contracts:

BNB ➡️ 0xf7de7e8a6bd59ed41a4b5fe50278b3b7f31384df
ARB ➡️ 0x3082CC23568eA640225c2467653dB90e9250AaA0

🚨 About Radiant

⚡️ #Radiant is the best money market platform I've seen and I'm earning very good passive income right now. I will definitely collect RDNT as the market drops.

⚡️ You can see my Fee and RDNT income in the picture

3️⃣ Aptos Bridge

✨ It allows you to transfer USDC, USDT, ETH, WETH, BTC.b with #APTOS between EVM chains.


✨ Note: it may take up to 2 days for transactions to occur.

4️⃣ Bitcoin Bridge

✨It allows you to transfer #bitcoin ($BTC.b) including EVM chains and Aptos chain.

🧾 You can buy Bitcoin.b via @traderjoe_xyz

▪️ TradeJoe 👉
▪️ Bitcoin Bridge 👉

5️⃣ @PontemNetwork LiquidSwap Bridge

✨ You can bridge the coins listed in the #APTOS network from EVM chains


6️⃣ Layer Zero X CIRCLE $USDC bridge (TESTNET)

▪️ Bridge USDC from $AVAX fuji testnet to Goerli testnet. You can see the faucet in the picture 👇

🚨 Note: use on mainnet when they launched on mainnet


7️⃣ @Coredao_Org Bridge

✨ You can transfer USDC, USDT, ETH, WETH between BNB, ETH and $CORE chains.

✨ Core has its own chain, you need $CORE to trade here. You can buy Core from MEXC.


8️⃣ ETH Goerli Bridge ( Mainnet - Testnet )

✨ This bridge allows Developers to buy Goerli ETH with real ETH, and it can be a nice qualifier in the #LayerZero airdrop criteria, as it is less used.

✨ Bridge - Add Liquidity


9️⃣ @MugenFinance

💧 Swap listed coins from #Arbitrum to #Optimisim


⚡️ My Tactics for LayerZero Airdrop ⚡️

▪️ Make over $10k volume using Stargate

▪️ Use each bridge developed by Layer Zero in different months and weeks

▪️ Those who want to use multi can reduce the volume, but they should use different applications. Me because I have time 👇

✨ I'm trying to do both..

✨ You can see how much volume and tx you've got from this link

Thanks for reading...

We caught another airdrop opportunity together. I hope the flood was helpful. Don't forget to like ❤️ and retweet 🔁 the first tweet



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