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📷 Steve McCurry, Brazil, from On Reading ||| "Our doubt is our passion, & our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art." - Henry James

May 14, 2023, 6 tweets

Celebrate the Red Garland Centennial 🎂💯
📷 Bill Spilka, c. 1957
"Garland's style was understated and harmonically sophisticated; he would delineate a melody, then shade it with distinctively voiced block chords and hints of counterpoint."
- Jon Pareles

Esmond Edwards' great album cover for Red Garland's "Red in Bluesville", from 1959. Edwards took the photo, & designed the album as well.


Esmond Edwards tells a great story about Red Garland's legendary tardiness.

Jim Marshall's great photo of Miles Davis at Newman's Gym, San Francisco, 1971
"Don't hit me in the mouth, I gotta play tonight."
Miles wanted Red Garland for his Quintet (partly) because he had been a welterweight fighter who once fought Sugar Ray Robinson in an exhibition bout.

Red Garland is so great here: "It Never Entered My Mind", from the 1956 album Workin' With The Miles Davis Quintet
Miles Davis, trumpet
John Coltrane, tenor sax
Red Garland, piano
Paul Chambers, bass
Philly Joe Jones, drums


Red Garland's 1979 album Equinox, with Richard Davis, bass & Roy Haynes, drums
The fabulous cover portrait is by Phil Bray
"It's All Right With Me":

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