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Yezidis are ethno religious group one of world oldest religions. #YazidiGenocide #YazidiPlight #Ezidxan, follow backup

May 14, 2023, 25 tweets

ISIS enslaved Yezidi women, arguing that they can rightfully keep Yezidi women as sIaves to perform better Jihad bcz they aren’t MuzIim.

ISIS don’t need to marry them for sexual gratification;they keep them as slave for own pleasure.They are given to men as a ‘gift from Allah’.

ISIS typically separates the men and women.
Men aged 14 and above are kiIIed.
The women are stripped naked and their bodies examined for breast size and attractiveness, and virginity tests are performed. A price is decided, and the women are sold...

Zayeri is a Yezidi Woman who was kidnapped by ISIS when IS attacked Yezidis 2014.
She refused to be enslaved & raped.
She suicided refused to convert to Islam.
Her body was moved from Mosul to be buried in Lalish.
Many Yezidis suicided refused conversion.

This is Rafidah Nayef, a Yezidi woman who was kidnapped by the lSlS as a child.
She was reunited with her family and relatives in Iraq.

A Yezidi woman described a 12-year old Yezidi girl in the same house was r@ped till nearly dead.

"She is just a little girl," she pleaded.

‘No. She’s not a little girl. She’s a sIave. And she knows exactly how to have s€x.’

“And having s€x with her pleases Allah,” he said.

Yezidi nurse was kidnapped by lsIamic state.*
*She refused to convert to lsIam and be used as sex sIave and committed suicide.*
*She is one of dozens of Yezidi women who refused conversion and suicided.*

“ISlS beat me with pieces of wood and cables,tortured me.
Every night he would tie my hands and feet, and beat me.But whatever the girls suffered even more.
they are still suffering. Held in sexual slavery, survivors reported being repeatedly sold, r@ped, gifted.

Lamiya, was 15 when ISIS kidnapped her from Kocho, a Yazidi village in Shingal in Aug. 2014.
She enslaved by the ISIS terrorists for 20 months, sold 5 times in Iraq & Syria.
She tried to escape,but in her fifth attempt in Mosul, she was critically injured in a landmine explosion.

ISIS terrorists are committing ongoing Genocide against the Yazidis in Iraq and Syria.
According to the UN, women and girls, as young as nine, are being sold as slaves to ISIS terrorists who regularly beat them, rape them, re-sell them and if they try to escape, kiII them.

Farha, 21, she was 17 when she was abducted by ISIS from Shingal.
She was sold to a Syrian man who went on to carry out a suicide operation for ISIS.
His family then sold her to a Saudi man who beat her savagely for trying to escape.

"ISIS fighters systematically rape Yazidi women and girls as young as nine. There is overwhelming evidence of such rapes occurring from survivors themselves, who display both physical and psychological wounds."

"A Turkish ISIS fighter, who had bought a Yezidi woman and her children, he was holding them in his family home, beat the woman’s 7-yr-old daughter because she was crying because she was hungry. The wives and children of the ISIS fighter would also beat Yazidi children."

A Yazidi girl, 13 yrs old, was held for 11 months in ISIS-controlled territory and sold multiple times. Sexually enslaved, she recounted also being forced to cook, clean and wash the clothes of her Syrian terrorist and his family at a house in Raqqah city.

“I wish I was dead. I wish the ground would open and kiIl me and my children, I don’t sleep, I don’t eat, my body feels very heavy.” A 27 year old Yezidi woman, held for 17 months in ISIS captivity.

"The youngest girl I examined was 8 yrs old. And she was about eight months in the hands of ISIS. She was sold 10 times. That means in the period of 8 months she was r@ped hundreds of times.” Psychologist Dr. Jan Ilhan Kizilhan, a trauma specialist from Germany

"They killed my father in front of my own eyes and r@ped me everyday for 6 months." A Yazidi survivor from ISIS captivity

"We were not worth the value of animals.They (ISIS) r@ped girls in groups.They did what a mind could not imagine." A Yezidi survivor of ISIS captivity.

"There was nothing they didn't do 2 me. I used 2 think I was the only 1 that was suffering from such a horrific experience. I thought I was the worst case,but being here with the other girls hs made me realize, I'm not the only 1 who suffered."A Yazidi survivor of ISIS captivity

“My younger sister, who was just 13 years old then, was repeatedly raped in the adjoining room and her screams still echo in my ears...” Nihad a Yazidi survivor of ISIS captivity.

“They tortured us, tried to forcefully convert us. If we refused we were beaten… Sometimes they threatened to torture us with electricity.” A Yazidi woman escaped ISIS captivity.

“One night my baby was crying from thirst. I knocked at the door and saw all the guards sleeping outside. I took a bottle of water from them and I ran away with my baby and walked for four hours.” A Yazidi woman escaped from ISIS captivity.

"The Sheikh took me to his family for about a week. Whenever he wanted, he came and did what he wanted to do with me in front of his family. What he took from me, I am sure I will not get it back." Jilan Ismail,a Yazidi child, was 12 when she was kidnapped by ISIS in August 2014.

20-year-old Yazidi girl was forced to take sleeping pills again and again

Then multiple number of ISIS terrorists, one by one, for many hours raped her in unconscious state

When this video captured by terrorist shown to her, she committed suicide

Young girls as 9 yrs old were daily r@ped by lSlS and many died from bIeeding and injuries.

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