Bad Kitty Unleashed 🦁 Profile picture
Free spirit & cool cat at heart.🌹The truth will always prevail, count on it. Accuracy is my motive, if you ever see something wrong, just tell me. I ❤️‍🔥 @X

May 14, 2023, 10 tweets

🔥🔥🔥Thread 🧵

Does everyone want to see something very unusual about Patriot Front, and have your minds bent a bit?

Bent all the way to Sustainably Goals? No I’m not smoking catnip. 😹Follow me here…

In late 2021, a woman journo was the first to announce the PF March on……

Ok not long after, the history teacher and GLG20, spieslikeus20, account changed their account name and we all lost track of them. I was likely too busy then. I can see that account today actually, it has me blocked. Accounts keep the same ID and are linked to the old content……

So, I peeked around at the second account a bit. And found they are on a list!

A list for resist INFLUENCE! Concrete Action!

To be continued.

So who runs this list? A foreign account that is involved in United Nations sustainability goals.

And they run massive lists! Many of them UN SDG goal teams!

How did we land here? 😹

Oh and here’s more of the rabid Trump resistance followers of that Patriot Front account.

The left just had to get that account suspended in a hurry.😏

Oh and I included that orange team screenshot for a reason. We had an orange team at J6.

As for the Austin Millbarge name? It’s fake. Linked to the spieslikeus20 profile name via the movie.

Here’s something else I forgot to point out. A one month old account with a video with 896,000 views.

This definitely had to be artificially elevated and circulated into conservative circles. We could barely find each other in those days! 😹

So what does this all mean?

🔹Why is a UN related foreign citizen running Trump resistance INFLUENCE teams?
🔹The 2021 Patriot Front account had nearly all resistance followers, including their first follower. I witnessed it in 2021.
🔹The Patriot Front account had too much……

PS. So you know that I don’t make these things up, here’s Dec 2021 when I watched the account flip to Patriot Front before my very eyes.

Was this only an online operation? More? Dunno.

But I do think it was suspended quickly to cover it up.

I’m cross referencing this thread. Inside you will find evidence of Patriot Front being infiltrated by informants and a leftist. So read down a bit,

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