MAKS 24 🇺🇦👀 Profile picture

May 15, 2023, 7 tweets

Hello :)) I will do this for the first time now, but I would like to thank all these people on Twitter for supporting Ukraine. I'm sure you already know about most of them, but now there's a reason to subscribe as well 🤗😉


WarMonitor🇺🇦 - @WarMonitor3
NOELREPORTS 🇪🇺 🇺🇦 - @NOELreports
Def Mon - @DefMon3
Special Kherson Cat 🐈🇺🇦 - @bayraktar_1love
Dmitri - @wartranslated
Thomas C. Theiner - @noclador
Maria Drutska - @maria_drutska
Anonymous Operations - @AnonOpsSE
Visegrád 24 - @visegrad24

Saint Javelin - @saintjavelin
Анатолій Штефан (Штірліц) - @Shtirlitz53
Tatarigami_UA - @Tatarigami_UA
🇺🇦Ukrainian Front - @front_ukrainian
Jay in Kyiv - @JayinKyiv
Dárek pro Putina - @DarPutinovi
Mira of Kyiv 🇺🇦 - @reshetz
Polina Shumakova - @SumakovaPolina

I hope you will help me spread this tweet, give a like as a sign of respect to all of them, and also write in the comments who you follow and who else I follow did not add here. There are too many of them, so such tweets will be supplemented by other accounts in the future 😏👍🏻

And Now... I also want to thank all my subscribers and all who read me, I know that many of you do not write anything in the comments, but I know and see that you are reading - and this is very important, so thank you all! 👀❤️

#NAFO #NAFOfellas #Ukraine



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