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Anna Castle. ROGD Mum. Stubborn. Half Romani 💙‍☸️‍💚 Autistic. Wench of the Wagon. Gargoyle of Beelzebub. Shove your wrong sexed pronouns up your jacksy.

May 15, 2023, 10 tweets

@BrumPolice @WMPolice
1st of my altercations.

You should’ve been at #LetWomenSpeak #LetWomenSpeakBirmingham much earlier to help @SFW_Stewards make sure we didn’t have to use our bodies to stop men in dresses trampling us!

Vid 1/?

We were left so there was a large ratio of men TRAs : Women stewards as you can see from other lone stewards trying to get more groups of TRAs to get back.

Moments later the police still hadn’t formed a line between us and were just chilling at the sidelines whilst LWS attendees linked arms and stewards still had to use our bodies to prevent these men encroaching.
This is my bodycam perspective of another vid seen.

Same incident from another perspective
#LetWomenSpeakBirmingham #LetWomenSpeak

So that was my 2nd altercation with TRAs.
A few police rolled up and acted as if we'd been trouble makers for simply refusing to allow these fascist little pricks into our peaceful event.
Standard 🙄

Literally within seconds and after a few officers doing a bit of the hokeycokey , boss man officer comes and tells the rest of the police to get out. To stop being a barrier. To stop doing their jobs.
Thanks then…

So I went back to cover that area again. Had to put my arm up against their flag pole because it seemed they wanted to slam it over us.
The police had totally abandoned us.
@BrumPolice #WhereWereYou at #LetWomenSpeakBirmingham #LetWomenSpeak
3rd incident will be in a few clips..

@BrumPolice us @SFW_Stewards were extremely close to getting crushed because of being pushed against and unable to move as our attendees tried to help us hold the line because of your blatant refusal to facilitate #LetWomenSpeakBirmingham #LetWomenSpeak

You favoured violence.

I find it interesting that the police only properly stepped in once some of our male attendees had to help us not to get crushed.
Seemed like you had a problem once the physiological ‘rivalry’ started to be a bit fairer..

#WhereWereYou @BrumPolice @SuellaBraverman #LetWomenSpeak


*curtseys in tired*

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