Jon Herold Profile picture
Founder of @badlandsmedia_ Author of the Devolution Series.

May 15, 2023, 33 tweets


Going through the Durham report as I have the time. I’ll post my findings in this thread.

Let’s start with a timeline related to Durham and his use of classified documents.


On May 13th, 2019, Barr directed Durham to do his preliminary review which ultimately led to his Special Counsel investigation.

10 days later, on May 23rd 2019, Trump issued a memo ordering the intel agencies to cooperate with Barr (and therefore Durham).

The Memo gave Barr the authority to “declassify, downgrade, or direct the declassification or downgrading of information or intelligence that relates……

Fast forward to Dec 14th of 2020 - the day Barr submitted his resignation letter.

He concluded his letter by saying he would be “wrapping up a few remaining matters and depart on December 23rd.…

A few rather interesting things happened between the 14th and the 23rd.

First, on December 18th, 2020, Trump issued another memo. This memo made one change to to the memo I showed earlier from May 23rd, 2019.

It added the line: “In addition, the Attorney General is authorized……

There was an issue here though. The memo directed the responsibility and authority for using classified information into the hands of the Attorney General.

What would when Biden’s pick took office?

What if he didn’t want Durham to have such access?

Well Barr took care of that issue.

In Durham’s report, Durham reveals that Barr delegated the authority to use classified information to the Special Counsel office on December 21st, 2020. That was 2 days before Barr would leave.

For somebody whom everybody claims to be Deep……

The associated footnote (8) is what caught my eye.

“The Special Counsel has not used this authority.”

How is that possible?

There is no doubt Durham was using classified documents. I’m sure I can find proof of that later in this report as I go through.

How can he claim he……

It seems obvious but this brings us to the highly publicized memo issued by Trump on January 19th, 2021.

“Declassification of Certain Materials Related to the FBI's Crossfire Hurricane Investigation”

The fact that Durham revealed he never used the authority delegated to him……

That is important because if those are the documents Trump had at Mar-A-Lago, this circumstantially proves they were in fact declassified and Jack Smith’s Special Counsel isn’t justified.

Maybe it’s different documents. Regardless, an interesting timeline.

More to come.

Durham outlining that the members of the FBI counterintelligence division didn’t cooperate initially. Not surprising. (Peter Strzok and crew)

“…neither U.S. law enforcement nor the Intelligence Community appears to have possessed any actual evidence of collusion in their holdings at the commencement of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.”

Another name for this would be “Weaponization of Government”

I wonder if the classified report given to AG Garland had any recommendations for prosecutions and that’s why we haven’t seen anything further.

The Durham report shows that the classified Annex outlines that a foreign government planned to infiltrate the Clinton Campaign as a way to gain influence should she win the election 👀


The FBI had a CHS connected to an foreign national “insider” of a 3rd separate foreign government.

This insider solicited the CHS to set up a meeting with candidate Clinton because the Insider wanted to propose "something" that CHS understood to be campaign……

The CHS lined up the insider to attended a Clinton Campaign fundraising event in the fall of 2015.

The insider got cold feet. Instead, the CHS attended and ended up making a $2,700 contribution on behalf of the foreign national.

Nobody in the FBI had documentation of the contribution nor any idea why it wasn’t documents.

The FBI made no effort to investigate an illegal campaign contribution from a foreign national/foreign government that was made through their own Confidential Human Source.


@HillaryClinton was interviewed by Durham in May of 2022. More “looks like Russian disinformation.

She also posted she had Covid just two months prior in March.

Maybe there is something to the whole “people testing positive for Covid was just code for Durham requesting an……

John Podesta, Jake Sullivan and more were “aware of a project involving ties between Trump and Russia being conducted by Perkins Coie, the campaign law firm”

Remember how Marc Elias severed ties with the DNC recently?

No such thing as coincidences

Not gonna lie, at face value and based on what I just read, this is an unfortunate conclusion made by Durham’s SCO regarding the government’s handling of the “Clinton Plan.”

Nothing jumping out at me so far here. We already knew that they had no evidence of Russian collusion yet renewed the FISA applications.

It’s my experience that “conflicting recollection” means people are lying.

Brookings institute is swampy as f*ck

The Clinton Campaign was always far more connected to Russia than Trump ever was.

The Obamas stated at the Ritz Carlton in Russia too?

Talk about Pee Pee

Was Dolan promising the Russians access to Clinton if she won the election?

Sure looks that way.

👀 Clinton associate Charles Dolan was a source for at least one allegation from the Steele Dossier.

“At least one allegation contained in a Steele Report dated August 22, 2016 (2016/105), reflected information that Danchenko collected directly from Charles Dolan.”

Holy shit!

While the Mueller SCO was pushing for an obstruction of justice charge against @realDonaldTrump, they appear to have obstructed justice themselves by “explicitly” telling telling agent Helson “not to interview Dolan” even though Helson considered it a “logical……

Further proof the Mueller SCO actually obstructed justice. They shut down any investigative steps into Clinton associate Charles Dolan.

Members of Mueller’s SCO felt there would be an appearance of political bias in the decision not to open an investigation of Charles Dolan.

“Higher ups” didn’t care.

No surprise. It was a political hit-job from day 1. The Durham Report has certainly showed us that much.

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