Jon Herold Profile picture
Owner and founder of @badlandsmedia_ - Author of the Devolution Series - Producer of 2 documentaries - Podcaster - Tips/inquiries:
34 subscribers
Jun 5, 2024 11 tweets 4 min read
Check out what the communists at @YouTube are up to.

We got de-monetized over there back in December for Covid Vaccine Misinformation.

They were gracious enough to allow us to live as long as we went through some re-education.

You gotta see this shit 😂


They called this re-education, "Policy training."

A 7 question quiz about Medical Misinformation

These scenarios are absolutely insane
Jan 28, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
This is interesting...

This screenshot was sent to me and it appears Ezra deleted the tweet so I can't personally confirm its authenticity..

Genuine or not, RCO is a very interesting name and one I hadn't considered until now...

RCO = Robert C. O'Brien

Short Thread 👇 Image Robert O'Brien is mentioned numerous times throughout my series and we have discussed his role numerous times on the Devolution Power Hour.

He replaced John Bolton right around the time Covid was thought to have "escaped" the WIV.

Devolution - Part 15
Nov 28, 2023 20 tweets 8 min read
Thread re:

Trump's Motion to Compel Discovery for his J6 case.

I will cover the highlights in this thread and add to it when I have the time. Including exhibits, it's 325 pages long.

We will be discussing this in detail on tomorrow night's show. Image In this filing are many things I have written about in my series:
- Foreign interference in our elections
- EO 13848
- Solar Winds Hack
- Minority view from the election ICA
- DNI Ratcliffe's disagreement
- J6 and the J6 committee
- Trump's response to foreign efforts
Oct 30, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Thread showing how our overlords use our tax dollars to benefit anybody but the people paying the taxes.

Keep in mind our interest payment on our debt is over $1 trillion at the moment.

$4.4 Billion for “operation and maintenance”
Image $911 million for ammo. Wonder who is gonna be supplying that. Image
Jun 23, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read

IRS Whistleblower testimony is leading me to believe there is an active investigation into Joe Biden - either part of the Robert Hur SCO or something else.

By now I'm sure most people have seen this "Whatsapp" message.


But there is more... As I posted earlier, testimony from the 2nd whistleblower confirmed there are ongoing investigations that are "spin-offs" of the Hunter Biden Investigation.

The whistleblower stated he would strive to protect those investigations.

Jun 21, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
I may have found something... 👀

Was John Durham working with a partner?

Recently released communications between the Office of AG Barr and Durham reveal another individual who appeared to be jointly working with Durham at the onset of the Russia Collusion Hoax Probe.

Thread👇 Communications between former AG Bill Barr's aide, Seth Ducharme, and John Durham at the onset of Durham's probe into the origins of the Russia Collusion Hoax reveal that John appeared to be working with another individual to run the investigation.

"John and [redacted]" Image
Jun 20, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read

These charges against Hunter Biden feel underwhelming.

Here is why that doesn’t bother me, and why it shouldn’t bother you either.

First read this thread from January. It provides some important context. The picture here is the main point from that thread.

It makes logical sense that Weiss handed the biggest aspects of his cases off to Robert Hur.

I think we can actually prove it. Image
Jun 15, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read

I want to show you a connection between the newly released Halderman report and what Trump was doing to set up Dev/COG.

It has to do with the "Draft Executive Order" that was leaked dated December 16th, 2020 - the one calling for military interdiction in the election. Image The Draft EO says there is evidence of "foreign interference." He directly mentions Dominion Voting Systems multiple times.

"The Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results." Image
Jun 15, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Holy shit...

Federal District Court in GA unsealed a 96-page report describing vulnerabilities in Dominion ImageCast X devices.

"ICX malware can still change individual votes and most election outcomes without detection.

Short thread to add to @imyourmoderator's Image Not only could votes be changed without detection, but "even the most robust risk-limiting audit can only assess an election outcome; it cannot evaluate whether individual votes counted as intended."

As they currently operate, the audits can't even detect the fraud!?
Jun 14, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
An examination of Joe & Jill Biden's tax returns through the years.

Let me know if anything sticks out like a $10+ million sore thumb😂

Images and sources below 👇 Let's start with his second term as Obama's VP. 2013-2016.

You know, when he was named point-man in Ukraine.

Adjusted Gross Income for:
2013- $409,009
2014- $388,884
2015- $392,233
2016- $396,456 ImageImageImageImage
Jun 13, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read

Here's a comparison of two classified document situations.

Trump versus Clinton.

I won't debate over whether Trump was justified (he was), but I'm going to show the hypocrisy in bringing charges against Trump.

This is the two-tier system of justice. Let's start with a side by side comparison of the facts. Both had documents "with classification markings."

Former President, vs. Former SOS.

One at MAL surrounded by 24/7 secret service.

One on an unsecured email server. Didn't these end up on wiki-leaks or something? Image
Jun 9, 2023 16 tweets 6 min read

I want to say that this entire thing is ridiculous and at the end of the thread you'll see why.

It's going to be a crazy few weeks & months of news so just be sure to keep your emotions in check. Don't let the headlines get to you.

Let's begin. I'm going to skip the first 31 counts and come back to them later because that is more in line with my point as to why the investigation never should have been started.

Let's start with 32.

1/ Image
Jun 7, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Bombshell reporting from @ProfMJCleveland

This article provides comments from Barr and Comer and sheds light on many of the things we already suspected but it also reveals a few things we didn't know yet.

Thread👇 Barr himself reveals that Brady's investigation was passed on to David Weiss. The CHS's claims "were sent to the Delaware U.S attorney's office... according to Barr." ImageImage
Jun 5, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
So the 1023 is being used as part of an active investigation.

That’s YUGE

There are 2 active investigations into the Biden’s *that we know of.*

- David Weiss regarding Hunter Biden’s business dealings.

- Robert Hur SC into Biden’s handling of classified documents.

1/4 We learned last week that this document “has origins in a tranche of documents that Rudy Giuliani provided to the Justice Department in 2020”

That investigation was originally handled by Pittsburgh US attorney Scott Brady.…

2/4 Image
May 29, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read

I’m going to compile some of what I find interesting in the new “Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023.”

I’ll add to it throughout the day as I can.

Let’s start with a leaked photo of our government officials finally reaching a handshake agreement over the new bill. Image Don’t worry guys.. This a “responsible increase to the debt ceiling.”

If there was one word I would use to describe our Gov’t, it would most definitely be “responsible,” because they are responsible for a majority of our problems. Image
May 25, 2023 13 tweets 8 min read

Help me get eyes on this.

We have proof of Biden corruption.

It involves Hunter, Burisma, a think tank named Blue Star Strategies, and Joe Biden's trip to Ukraine where he threatened to withhold $1B unless Shokin was fired.

The timeline here is UNDENIABLE.

READ 👇 On 11/29/2015, Hunter attended a breakfast meeting with Devon Archer, Vadym Pozharskyi, and Sally Painter. This meeting is confirmed by emails from @MarcoPolo501c3 sent the day before and day of that meeting.

Hunter and Devon Archer joined the board of Burisma in April of 2014. ImageImage
May 16, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
This is a MASSIVE Devo-proof.

Trump and the DOD knew what Fauci and the media were doing and he acted accordingly.

Wartime president.

A thread. Image This leaked Pentagon memo from the Epoch Times reveals what we’ve been discussing for almost 2 years.

The Pentagon report from May of 2020 showed that Covid was not of natural origin and that they knew Fauci was full of shit.… Image
May 15, 2023 33 tweets 13 min read

Going through the Durham report as I have the time. I’ll post my findings in this thread.

Let’s start with a timeline related to Durham and his use of classified documents.

👇 On May 13th, 2019, Barr directed Durham to do his preliminary review which ultimately led to his Special Counsel investigation. Image
Apr 16, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
This is misleading.

Trump does own stock in Pfizer but did newsmax or @stillgray bother to show the actual numbers?

Of course not.

It goes against their narrative.

A thread. Trumps new FEC financial disclosures were not actually linked in the newsmax article so I’ll link them here.…

Apr 13, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
Thread 👀

This is not the 1st time Hunter went with Joe to Ireland. Hunter and Jim went with Joe back in 2017.

While there, Hunter & Jim met with members of the CEFC group "off site" due to the "sensitivity of the discussion and participants."

Was Joe at the meeting?

1/7 Here is Joe's flight itinerary.

Two things to note:

1. Kathy Chung was coordinating the travel arrangements (Think @RepJamesComer recent activity)

2. Joe was in Ireland from 09/11/17 - 09/17/17

Mar 30, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
😂 this is insane. Can’t believe they went though with it (If they did and the anonymous sources familiar with the matter are correct)

Everybody relax.

Few quick things to point out.

Short thread 👇 The crime Trump “committed” is nonexistent.

If your case against Trump hinges on an “untested and therefore risky theory involving a complex interplay of laws,” you don’t have a case - you have Trump derangement syndrome.…