Paul Mason Profile picture
Journalist, The New European (he, him). Vote Labour!

May 16, 2023, 7 tweets

In #HowToStopFascism I produced a 21C summary of the fascist thought-architecture... yesterday's @NatConTalk conference ticked a lot of boxes... 1/...

2/ "It's not racist to oppose mass immigration..." ... "our way of life"..."lower birth rate"... "multiculturalism is recipe for national disaster"..."Cultural Marxism"... they know exactly what they are doing...

3/ It's not fascism, yet. Nor is it actually right-wing populism per se. As I explain in the book, the fascist thought-architecture acts like a magnet on right-wing conservatism, pulling them into its moral/intellectual orbit...

4/ Using this language, the NatCons give extremists permission to use their own version of it: liberalism turned from valid tradition to alien ideology... human rights lawyers otherised... feminists cast as collaborators... it's all there in Camus...

5/ All those nice people at the tennis club, or at the church fete in Toryshire, or in the investment bank ... this is where your party is headed unless •you• call a halt. It happened to the Republicans. It's happening here.

6/ Of course they don't espouse the Day X fantasy yet. That's the dividing line. The issue is, are they prepared to use state power to suppress the would-be fascist insurrectionaries? Answer: the Tories are trying to rewrite the policing of extremism to focus away from RWX...

7/ There's a full exploration of the logic of 21st century fascism here...…

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