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25 ∙ she/her ∙ au writer ∙ rpf ∙ OT7 ∙ makin’ moves (towards my bed) ∙ ao3: https://t.co/PaiUmPBvMt

May 16, 2023, 11 tweets

#sopeau where yoongi finally makes a move on his oblivious roommate hoseok:

based on this wonderful prompt from @seouIIy 🫶

1. previous seduction attempt no. 1

2. previous seduction attempt no. 2

3. previous seduction attempt no. 3

4. previous seduction attempt no. 4

5. current attempt (no. 5)

6. attempt no. 5 continues

7. attempt concluded successfully!

the end!✨

hehehehe sope 🤭🤭🤭🤭


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