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Passionate about #OBAnes and #patientsafety (#OBcritcare special interest). Father of 2 future Jedi. Views my own. he/his #heforshe 🇿🇦🇮🇪🇨🇦

May 16, 2023, 15 tweets

@SQuashie presents on ethnic disparities in #OBAnes outcomes at #Anaesthesia2023… lots in lead up to #OAA23ASM

A break down of the objectives of the talk. Census data demonstrates increases in all minorities, nationally and locally. Definitions: What is a health disparity? >10% health difference closely linked to disparity. Inequality, equality, equity and justice are linked.……

Race vs ethnicity - an important difference. Maternal inequalities have been subject of several reports, resulting in Maternal Disparities Taskforce and Equity & Equality guidance. Reducing inequalities focus on CORE20PLUS5: the most deprived 20% with 5 key clinical areas……

#COVID19 provides a good basis to look at inequalities in healthcare, differential effectiveness of control measures. Impact on multiple levels starting well before coming to hospital/ receiving care. Inequalities in maternity healthcare: stark @mbrrace data, maternal mortality……

Social deprivation and ethnicity associated with stillbirth and fetal growth restriction. #OBAnes outcomes analyzed in recent national cohort study in @Anaes_Journal from @LateralTilt @SQuashie @noolslucas and @Marianfknight. Minorities more likely to have GA for elective……

Differences also seen in emergency cesarean sections, both less and more likely to receive GA. Neuraxial uptake for vaginal birth - data less clear. #Anaesthesia2023 #OBAnes (prelude to #OAA23ASM)

Unassisted vaginal birth acts as a surrogate. Definitely lower uptake in most minorities (Bangladeshi very low). Interestingly Indian exception - why? Irish white have remarkable uptake (@ISOA_Ireland). #Anaesthesia23 #OBAnes (prelude to #OAA23ASM)

When one looks at assisted birth and emergency sections for different ethnic groups, things are concerning. #Anaesthesia23 #OBAnes (prelude to #OAA23ASM)

Discussion: evidence of ethnic differences in #OBAnes maternity care. Certainly limitations to the study, but some very important strengths. Looking at US data (@aljabut) - similar findings less neuraxial labour analgesia, more GA sections and maternal mortality gap persisting.……

Why do disparities exist? A primary concern may be language barriers both antenatally and on presentation to labour ward - @labourpainsOAA (now have options.

Also of note is lack of community/ ethnicity specific educational media - a google search only……

Are their biases in care? Microaggressions are present - some subtle, some not. What is the impact of disparities? Extends antenatal, through #OBAnes to postnatal/ early neonatal care. Different ethnicities have a different maternity experience. A cultural problem exists?……

What impact does workforce diversity have? If we don’t see ourselves, does that affect how we interact with maternity services? Certainly distrust is possible. Discrimination towards “other” exists at a workforce level, ethnicity definitely a factor - this probably overflows……

Tackling inequalities begins with the man in the mirror (HT @michaeljackson), individual members encountering maternity care, and expands outwards towards a national level.
#Anaesthesia2023 #OBAnes (prelude to #OAA23ASM)

Take home messages from @SQuashie and acknowledgement of co-authors @LateralTilt @noolslucas @Marianfknight, support of @OAAinfo. Link to @Anaes_Journal article.
#Anaesthesia2023 #OBAnes (prelude to #OAA23ASM)

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