Simon Ash Profile picture
Passionate about #OBAnes and #patientsafety (#OBcritcare special interest). Father of 2 future Jedi. Views my own. he/his #heforshe 🇿🇦🇮🇪🇨🇦

May 16, 2023, 12 tweets

@DOckendenLtd presents at #Anaesthesia2023 on the Ockenden Report - a year on, have we made progress? #OBAnes

What were the key messages of the Ockenden Report from @DOckendenLtd? Final report March 2022 (distributed amongst #OBAnes at @IWKHealth @DalAnesthesia - learnings valuable even across the pond): failures of quality of care & governance; failure of external bodies to monitor;……

What did the media say? Overall coverage fair, balanced and commended by families.
And Nottingham? Maternity review is underway… themes continue.
#Anaesthesia2023 #OBAnes (prelude to #OAA23ASM)

What are the challenges facing UK maternity services? (what are they in your country/ province/ state/ county/ town/ hospital? - pretty sure some are the same!) Short staffed & burnt out; more complex parturients; inequalities & deprivation; underfunding… all made worse by……

What themes were identified wrt #OBAnes at Shrewsbury and Telford NHS Trust? Some of these could occur in #AnyAnes practice.
How were anaesthetic cases identified? Only 68 cases (too many, while very few) and maternal deaths 😱. Look at the anaesthetic review triggers.……

Are #OBAnes truly part of the MDT, or are they epidural jockeys/ gas peddlers? Just being viewed as a technician = badness. #AnyAnes consider wider picture, and should be involved early. Anaesthesia should be made aware & given time to contribute to #patientsafety. Good summary……

Immediate and essential actions (FIFTEEN) for ALL maternity units - 10 key areas (3 include anaesthesia): workforce, postnatal follow up & documentation. Words of colleagues #Anaesthesia2023 #OBAnes (prelude to #OAA23ASM)

Feedback from NHS colleagues after final @DOckendenLtd report
#Anaesthesia2023 #OBAnes (prelude to #OAA23ASM)

Next steps. Across England we’re seeing change. 3 examples of maternity teams working toward the 15 IEA’s - many more, so little time. #Anaesthesia2023 #OBAnes (prelude to #OAA23ASM)

We must listen to staff on the ground - drums are beating well before problems revealed. @DOckendenLtd Report has allowed staff to feel free to come forward at Nottingham. We have to also recognize the results of increasing deprivation and it’s effects on maternity care……

Take aways, take home messages and hope from @DOckendenLtd! #Anaesthesia2023 #OBAnes (prelude to #OAA23ASM)

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