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Pharaoh pairs incentives with concentrated liquidity for next-level capital efficiency @kingdomdotone Discord:

May 17, 2023, 6 tweets

Bribe thread? Bribe thread.

Starting with newcomer @MammothFi with a $1000 bribe to the $MMTH / $BTC.b pairing!


@MammothFi (🧵2/5)

Next up is @GMDprotocol with a $580 bribe to the $GMD / $gmdUSDC pairing!

@MammothFi @GMDprotocol (🧵3/5)

We also have a $720 bribe on the $BTC.b / $WAVAX pool👀

Come get some bribes #AVAX BTC.b chads

@MammothFi @GMDprotocol (🧵4/5)

Consistent bribers @YieldfarmingI continue their trend with a $1200 bribe to the $gmdUSDC / $YFX pairing

@MammothFi @GMDprotocol @YieldfarmingI (🧵5/5)

And last but certainly not least, @fBombOpera has a little over $1000 on the $xSHRAP / $WETH.e pool!

@MammothFi @GMDprotocol @YieldfarmingI @fBombOpera Current vote APR is over 200% AGAIN, which means locking your $GLCR for veGLCR is extremely lucrative currently with our bribe ecosystem.

With concentrated liquidity from @CryptoAlgebra and @GammaStrategies coming very soon, those Vote APRs should be even higher!

Get some……

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