Albert Vilella Profile picture
Next-Generation Sequencing, Single-Cell and Spatial Biology, Next-Generation Proteomics, Synthetic Biology, Accelerated Compute in Biotech.

May 17, 2023, 10 tweets

On library prep at #Nanoporeconf, a description for PCR-free methods showing the difference between ligation (max output) and rapid mode (10minutes, minimal lab equipment needed). Ultralong reads (ULR) also enabled, all Kit14.

Rapid ULR. Current record is about 4 megabases.

PCR expansion kits enable the use of samples with low input amount.

Targeted kits for 16S, own design Cas9 and/or Adaptive sampling (no special lib prep needed).

All combos in one slide.

Direct RNA, although it copies the strand into cDNA, only the RNA strand is read through.

cDNA library prep, multiplexable to x20, very similar to other techs.

cDNA single-cell compatible with 10x Genomics

All RNA methods in one slide.

Automation options.

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