Fionna O'Leary, 🕯🇪🇺 Profile picture
Retired lawyer. Cooking & good food, books, conversation, dancing, music. Forever European. Mastodon:

May 17, 2023, 8 tweets


Remember this from @JenWilliams_FT story yesterday and her thread?

Well it looks as if the entry referred to has changed over time. Remember the company in question is owned by Corney and Musgrave …not by the Teeside Corporation as claimed.

Now I’m REALLY wondering about the “legal advice” the Corporation says it got?

Who gave that legal advice and what were its terms?

See the following thread


Yep. DCS Industrial (South) Ltd had only ever had 2 Directors. Musgrave and Corney. The nature of the business is not legal services but Development of Building projects.


DCS Industrial Ltd (another Corney/ Musgrave company) owned the shares …not Teesside Corporation

In neither the years ending Jan 2021 or Jan 2022 did it appear to be making much money .

Even £87k should have had an impact.

And in neither year did the company have any employees at all.

Let alone lawyers. Or consultants. Unless the Directors acted as consultants. If so in what respect and how would that not be a conflict if to the Teesside Corp?

How very very curious.

To clarify my first tweet re claim that STDC was owned by Teeside Corporation…(see L) that was a reference to the claim in TeesValleyMonitor tweet (see R)
Which is what made me double check in Companies House.

I do not know one way or the other of the source of the claim

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