fifi // @prettiestynkk backup Profile picture
bcrlin on ao3 // @prettiestynkk

May 18, 2023, 10 tweets

rockstar #yoonkookau where when jeongguk's guitarist abruptly leaves the band, leaving the group scrambling to find another, jeongguk is forced to reconnect with his ex boyfriend who he left behind

it takes him days to gather up the courage to call, and when he finally does, the older doesn't pick up. he wonders if it's because the older remembers his number like how he remembers yoongi's. he wonders if he's ignoring him.

he panics for a second after the beep, suddenly confronted by having to say something. anything. but there really aren't any words that seem good enough or /right/ for the situation. how do you say "i'm sorry i left you" and "sometimes i dream about you" and "i need you"?

instead, what comes out is formal business talk. he tells him about the things he knows won't make him cry on the spot.

but he's never been good at keeping things from the older and the second he starts talking, a gate opens, and for a second he fears he might run out of time and the voicemail will cut him off.

as he speaks memories of what they'd been like flashes before his eyes like he's watching a movie in the cinema. only the movie has ended.

the credits have rolled by.

and he's the only one left in the auditorium.


again, might turn this into a fic, also i made this on the bus, and also also, idk what this is disjsj

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