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Yezidis are ethno religious group one of world oldest religions. #YazidiGenocide #YazidiPlight #Ezidxan, follow backup

May 18, 2023, 19 tweets

Many nations have been victimized by lsIamic supremacism and jihadist campaigns, but Yezidis, an ancient ethno-religious community indigenous to northern Mesopotamia, seem to be one of the main and continued victims of this genocidal ideology.

Genocidal massacres,ethnic cleansings and forced conversions against Yezidis by MusIims didn’t start with the advent of Islamic State.
Yazidis, a peaceful community opposed to violence and bIoodshed, have for centuries been exposed to these crimes and more, for being Yazidis

Yezidis have been persecuted enormously, particularly at the hands of MusIims, throughout history. lsIam has grown and spread since the mid-seventh century.
In this process, the Arab conquerors have tremendously persecuted Yezidis in Iraq, Syria and Iran.

They (the Arab conquerors) took all kinds of measures to Islamize them and implemented those measures. They massacred those who wanted to remain
Yazidis in masses, and seized their properties.

In the early 19th century, Mir Mohammad Pasha, the commander of Rawandiz (Kurdish MusIim) , and Mir Bedr Khan Pasha, the commander of Bohtan, in the 1930s, and 1840s, persecuted Yezidis enormously to Islamize them.

During the 1912-13 Pontic Greek deportations and the 1915 Armenian Genocide, Yezidis were also driven out from their lands. Throughout the history of republican Turkey, all methods have been tried to Islamize the Yezidis.


Some gangs entered Yezidi villages. They sIaughtered them with bullets and bayonets, from little children to the elderly, until there were no more living Yezidis. All of the Yazidi fighters were killed. The dead were stripped bare naked and thrown to the Dicle River.

Then it was the turn of the unarmed. First, they kilIed men; then, they kiIled boys.
They stripped them bare naked and threw them to the river. Then they ensIaved women and girls. Then they raided many Yezidi villages and sIaughtered many Yezidis.

The Yezidis have been suffering for centuries. They are being kilIed; they are becoming extinct. Then they (the MusIims) are celebrating that there are no Yezidis left.

What is it that has united so many MusIims from different ethnic backgrounds, Arabs, Kurds, Turks and Turkmens, in their hatred and aggression against Yezidis? #YazidiPlight

Many of the genocides or attempts to annihilate them took place during the Ottoman Empire. As a result, millions of Yezidis were kiIled, kidnapped or IsIamized, according to a report by the Yezidi Community in Europe Organization.

Under Ottoman Empire, the Yezidis were never recognized as a millet [community] (i.e. a community in its own right, such as Jews or Christians), and did not enjoy any protection by the state.

The Ottomans thought of Yezidis like that: “Let’s kilI them. Let’s build mosques so that they could become MusIims. Let’s try to bring them to the true path and give salaries to those who would bring them to the true path.” #74YazidiGenocide

Very serious Yezidi massacres were carried out by the Ottoman Empire.
They did unspeakable things to Yezidis. They sent the cut-off tongues of Yezidis to Ottoman sultans,they sold Yezidi women, and so on.There is not a positive thing in the Ottoman archives regarding the Yezidis.

Many Yezidis took refuge in other countries such as Armenia and Georgia. Many of them immigrated to Europe. Those who stayed in Turkey had to convert to IsIam.

Thousands of Yezidis lived in Turkey until the 1970s,but the majority of Yezidis migrated from Turkey to Europe in the 1980s and 1990s, due to the continued persecution and pressures they faced. After they moved to Europe, even their private registered lands were invaded.

The Turkish government still does not recognize Yezidis as a separate religion, and the religion box on the ID papers of Yezidis in Turkey is either left blank or marked with an “X”.

In August 2014, when IsIamic State jihadists invaded the Yezidi-populated areas in Iraq, a part of the ancient Yezidi homeland in Iraq, some Yezidis managed to flee for their lives. But those who couldn’t were murdered.
Yezidi women were r@ped and sold as s€x sIaves.

Even after all these Genocide campaigns and sufferings still the Yezidi Genocide ongoing.
Still Yezidis are displaced and still 2713 are missing.
Yezidis need international protection and self administration

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