Albert Vilella Profile picture
Next-Generation Sequencing, Single-Cell and Spatial Biology, Next-Generation Proteomics, Synthetic Biology, Compute Acceleration in Biotech.

May 18, 2023, 9 tweets

The tech update from Oxford @nanopore #NanoporeConf now ongoing with @The__Taybor now presenting:

Duplex: 1.5% of the time, the complement strand follows the first strand naturally.
Initially, modified the adapters and reached 30% duplex rate.

Stereo base caller uses similar ML approaches as ChatGPT,

Releasing "super-duplex" version today: 85-90% duplex rates, there may be room for improvement to 95%.

Duplex at Q32 with 5kHz measurements per second, rolling out now.

Duplex quality agnostic to read length, no light based chemistry that damages the DNA. Modal simplex at Q22 now, Modal duplex >Q30, longest Q30 read in the screenshot is 335kb (that's >20x longer than 15kb).

Native natural human DNA in current PromethION, above 50Gb, but also about another 50Gb of unpaired simplex. All the epigenetic modifications, damaged (signal to cancer?) is preserved.

There is now a version of the dorado basecaller supporting this Duplex base calling: intending to incorporate into MinKNOW in July 2023, but dorado binaries available to download from github.

Lots of advantages of duplex, e.g. assembly, higher accurate variation calling, etc. High-duplex available right now, look for R10.4HD in the website.

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