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Life Coach, Vedic and Tantra Astrologer, Palmist, Healer, Tarot, Akashic Records, Tantra/spiritual workshops, Spiritual Scientist, psychology, PLR

May 19, 2023, 6 tweets

Why do I experience Hridaya Cave of the Heart on the left hand side of my body when Ramana Maharshi says it is in the right side?

The left ventricle of the heart pumps blood to the entire body, so it’s the hardest-pumping chamber of the heart.

This is why you feel your heartbeat on the left.

Sri Ramana said the spiritual connection between the body and its activating energy is approximately two fingers to the right of the zyphoid process.

He wasn’t talking about the action of the heart or anything that can be sensed during ordinary consciousness.

When people have out-of-body experiences, they often feel connected to body by an umbilical-like cord of energy that’s attached to chest.

Sri Ramana was expressing the same idea, but he said the energetic center is technically, four cms to right of center of chest.

Sri Ramana was very kind to questioners.

He would answer any sincere question if he thought the answer might be helpful somehow.

So he answered questions about breathing techniques and energetic centres and other such things.

But he was clear that both the body and its energetic centre are illusory.

The true heart centre is the universal “I am.”
Credit Jay Matthews

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