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May 19, 2023, 12 tweets

Roger Stone’s “F#ck the Voting, let’s get right to the violence” companion called for a “Red Insurrection” three days later. By Jennifer Cohn for @buckscobeacon, 5/19/23 cc: ⁦@DOJCrimDiv⁩ 1/…

Roger Stone’s companion in the video was the rapper Glock Dara. Here are lyrics from Dara’s “Red Insurrection” soundtrack released on Nov 5, 2020, three days after Stone told him “F#ck the voting, let’s get right to the violence.” 2/

For this new piece, I commissioned this amazing graphic from the amazing @PatBagley. #RogerStoneDidSomethingWrong 3/

PS. Stone has claimed that the “F#ck the voting, let’s get right to the violence” clip (in which he was speaking w/ Glock Dara) is a “deep fake.” But Dara’s “Red Insurrection” soundtrack released 3 days later harmonizes with the violent content of Stone’s remarks in the clip. 4/

On Dec 19, the leader of the Florida Oath Keepers, Kelly Meggs, declared “that he had recently formed an alliance w/ the Proud Boys & the Florida 3%ers to ‘shut this shit down.’”

“You know what else Meggs had done recently? Meet w/ Roger Stone.” #RogerStoneDidSomethingWrong 5/

6/ Stone first raised the prospect of the Insurrection Act in Sept 2020, claiming they cld already prove fraud in Nevada, a debunked allegation also promoted by Ric Grenell (a Stone ally) and Matt Schlapp, who had participated in Stone’s astroturf “Brooks Brothers riot” in 2000.

7/ “Stone raised the prospect of the Insurrection Act again in early Dec 2020, this time declaring that he had seen ‘incontrovertible evidence’ that North Korea had delivered ballots to Maine by boat, a geographically laughable allegation.“ @DOJCrimDiv

8/ The supposedly “incontrovertible evidence” never materialized.

9/ Here’s the graphic that rapper Glock Dara used to promote his “Red Insurrection” soundtrack, which he released on 11/5/20, three days after the Danish filmmakers videotaped Roger Stone telling Dara in an Atlanta airport to, “F#ck the voting, let’s get right to the violence.”

10/ Like so many of Roger Stone’s closest allies, Glock Dara seems to embrace a militant version of Christianity. In 2015, he released a soundtrack titled “Fear of God.” The promotional image featured Jesus wielding an assault rifle.

11/ Roger Stone has helped organize politicize, and weaponize a militant subset of Christianity that glorifies violence. This is incredibly dangerous, and the threat remains.

In other words, it’s not “just” Christian Nationalism that we face. It’s a ** militant ** version of Christian Nationalism, which glorifies violence and/or the threat of violence. Stone and his cohorts keep picking at this scab. @DOJCrimDiv 12/

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