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Listening requires a certain skill set. Knowledge is power. Class is always in session. Come prepared. Very low tolerance for conscientious stupidity.

May 20, 2023, 5 tweets

Jalal Mansur Nuriddin was a poet & musician.
He was one of the founding members of The Last Poets. A group that evolved in the 1960s out of the Harlem Writers Workshop in NYC.

His word is bond...
Mankind Pt.1 (1993)

#MusicIsLife #SpokenWord #RealTalk

Jalal Mansur Nuriddin - Mankind Pt.1 (1993)

🎶”Hyped up fantasizing, theorizing, idolizing en masse. Circumscribing and depriving ‘cause of money and class”🎶

#MusicIsLife #SpokenWord #RealTalk

Jalal Mansur Nuriddin - Mankind Pt.1 (1993)

“Killing every kind of man, you control and grab a hold of everybody’s land”

#MusicIsLife #SpokenWord #RealTalk

Jalaluddin Mansur Nuriddin - Mankind Pt.2 (1993)
From the 187 movie soundtrack

#MusicIsLife #SpokenWord #RealTalk

Jalaluddin Mansur Nuriddin - Mankind Pt.2 (1993)

”Dejected & rejected & infected from ‘illing. Competing & defeating and mutually killing. Annihilation, degradation, compensation’s due, what you did to one another shall be done to you”

#MusicIsLife #SpokenWord #RealTalk

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