Dr. Zanye Omobolanle Profile picture
Gold Digger| PhD (Royal Propaganda)

May 20, 2023, 9 tweets


To quote @vanity Fair “At a certain point, a hyperfixation on Meghan and Harry in the tabloids might be good for traffic, but it’s been terrible for them and fairly boring for the rest of us.”

@DM_Maureen_ for those of you who don’t know, is one of the UK tabloid #HateForHire writers who have made it their mission to dehumanize Meghan.

Your colleagues actions contributed to the demise of Princess Diana but we will not let that happen again. #StopUKMediaHarassment.

About a week ago @DM_Maureen_ was writing about ‘what could have been’ had Meghan attended the coronation. Instead of focusing on the crowing of a new King and Consort, Maureen was writing about Meghan who hadn’t done anything to warrant her attention.

Not content with harassing from afar, @DM_Maureen_ of her own free will attended the #WOV2023 for the simple reason of wanting to further her abusive agenda.

It takes a sick kind of mentality to pay to attend an event of someone you think poorly of simply to be ‘critical’.

The only reason anyone would do that is because they are going to make more money than they paid.

This is not journalism or scrutiny. This is #HateForProfit as seen by the numerous articles @DM_Maureen_ churns out both for the Daily Mail and NY Post.

Diana’s death followed a high level of media harassment. Most of the perpetrators remain unnamed. The media promise to do better has failed. We will not stand by and allow another woman to be harassed to death on our watch. And whereas we have been good at calling out the media,

We need to extend this to the individuals who are also profiting off of harassing Meghan hiding behind ‘public interest’ and ‘freedom of speech’.

So in line with Public Interest and in complete execution of MY freedom of speech, it’s time to #NameThem.

So meet @DM_Maureen_ , Maureen Callahan whose work and it seems hobby includes writing ‘word salads’ about #Meghan and #PrinceHarry.

FYI, we have done this for the Royal Rota reporters and some Royal experts so it is time we also included opinion writers and columnists.


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