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May 21, 2023, 34 tweets

Tonight I'll try to collect my tweets under a threadroll :) #TOSSatNight

So we have a plague and we need a drug. I need to know how different the replicators are between Kirk and Picard's Enterprises. #TOSSatNight

Oh, sure, solve all your problems with lasers. #TOSSatNight

This guy gives me serious "I'll kill all the Housnak" vibes. #TOSSatNight

Try not to look *totally* like space cops about it, though. #TOSSatNight

"You want us to spend the whole *season* budget on this backdrop?
"Yeah, we're cancelled, just flush it!"

Oh, good. A pretty lady. That ought to calm everyone down #TOSSatNight

I mean, people are dying, but, hey, brandy! #TOSSatNight

Dude, it's rude to start your Roomba while guests are here. #TOSSatNight

I'm noticing the continuation of the "girls are hot for Spock" trend, and I'm here for it. #TOSSatNight

"You're the farthest thing from a bookworm I've ever seen." YOU'VE NEVER SEEN A GIRL ONE, BONES! #TOSSatNight

"Did you teach her that?" No, girls come preprogrammed with billiard skills. We've just been lying about it for 200 years. #TOSSatNight

Also, why is it every time they pull up to a planet, the lady at the welcome center is in full length formal attire? Just once I'd love to see them show up unannounced and everyone's in sweatpants. #TOSSatNight

"Just keep him dancing. By the time he figures out we don't have the drugs, he'll be too dizzy to chase us!" #TOSSatNight

"Dangit, I told him not to run the Roomba while I have guests! DAD!" #TOSSatNight

It's the Chaperone-bot 2300! #TOSSatNight

Now, that's what I call a Wingman! #TOSSatNight

"I mean, we spent a *lot* of money on this thing, boss. I'll feel weird if we don't use it at least twice."
"Fine I don't care, I'm going to lunch."

This feels like a stream inside a stream. #TOSSatNight

These are a lot of hoops to jump through for drugs. #TOSSatNight

This can't be a comfortable setup. #TOSSatNight

The moment when Star Trek crossed over with The Twilight Zone #TOSSatNight

"You mean I could have picked another hair color?" #TOSSatNight

"Her only flaw - she's not human." Burn on the Vulcan women, I guess? #TOSSatNight

"It's true. I'm all of history's most famous smart guys. Except Benjamin Franklin. That guy's a *legend*." #TOSSatNight

"You cannot love an android, Captain! She's mine!" That sounds like he *may* not love an android, buddy. And that's not *up* to you! #TOSSatNight

"Did you Miss Frizzle my ship?" #TOSSatNight

"Wait...I kind of like them like this." #TOSSatNight

"Dad! I told you to stop teenyversing my boyfriends!" #TOSSatNight

"I've had about enough of *this*!" #TOSSatNight

Kirk can tell she's human, because she's self destructing? #TOSSatNight

"You want to talk about it?"
"I'm never getting my Sisters of Mercy t-shirt back from her, am I?

I guess the moral of the story is, don't drop the ball for a girl that's just going to move back into her dad's lab.
Great Watch, Everybody!🖖

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