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alt for @MadonnaOTS / Discord Twitter and How to Cook for Wolves. Live-tweet and gaming account: #TOSSatNight - 9 pm PT | #TNGSunNight - 8 pm PT
May 29, 2023 37 tweets 26 min read
TNG s1.ep9 - The Battle - #TNGSunNight LiveTweet Roll
#TNGSunNight #TOSSatNight I really appreciate this juxtaposition.
#TNGSunNight #TOSSatNight ImageImage
May 22, 2023 42 tweets 19 min read
And we're off! #TNGSunNight They say, once you cross the Rubicon, you never cross back... #TNGSunNight
May 21, 2023 34 tweets 14 min read
Tonight I'll try to collect my tweets under a threadroll :) #TOSSatNight So we have a plague and we need a drug. I need to know how different the replicators are between Kirk and Picard's Enterprises. #TOSSatNight