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Love everyone & tell the truth. You may call me anti-sex-based-harm. You may call me anything. No matter what you say you’re still gonna have to serve somebody.

May 22, 2023, 24 tweets

So I went to #Target this weekend, and as a fairly fresh “terf”, I found it educational.

This is as long a thread as I’m allowed. Expect typos. Let’s do it.🧵

First off, how ‘bout this pro-mental-illness candle? @Target #targetboycott

Here’s the full set. Available at a Target in the Far Suburbs of Chicago at their Pride Propaganda Popup. Since I’m not living in Chicago proper for the time being, I can only imagine what the Targets there look like.

And I WILL be going to city Targets another day.

But first, let’s take it back a bit, because I went to an even farther Target to start off. I expected this one to be less “woke,” and it was… but not by much. For example, their rainbow alcohol display.

But even inside less-woke Target I noticed something immediately…

Aside from the quite obviously adult product of alcohol: All Pride Products and Marketing Is Being Geared Towards Kids @Target

For instance, here’s the kids’ room decor section. Both Targets had these same products and not much else for kids to choose from.

Am I crazy? Lmk.

Truth be told, if it had a rainbow, then I snapped a pic. I wasn’t going to do this at first. But when I noticed the rainbow theme being very pushed upon children, specifically in the “girl” sections, I decided not to hold back. It’s purposeful marketing.

Rainbows have ALWAYS been popular with little girls right…? Right…? … To this degree though, really?

Still just sticking with Target # 1, check out this “Our Generation” doll clothes set

Sure, colorful products for girls have always been the norm. But products showcasing the 🌈 symbol, or even using it in their brand name, is new.

I don’t have children, so idk if this line of products is only available at Target or not. But Target #2 had a whole “Rainbow High” wall. Seems to be a pretty popular brand.

So what, one may say, it’s not overt, and what’s wrong with the rainbow? As a bisexual person, I’d agree with you, but why target children, @Target ? Do they need to be part of this? Because, look, some products *are* overt.

Like this book: “‘Twas the Night Before Pride.”

I’ll just leave a few pages here.

Then the book references Stonewall…

And here’s the ending.

What do you think? Do children need a book like this?

I don’t have children of my own, I’m just a former teacher, so I’m asking you.

Let’s mosey on over to the Pride Popup in Target # 1, which was tucked away and dimly lit up front, at the end of the store, next to tucked away storage… @Target knows which towns don’t have a lot of “Pride.”

“Just be you and feel the love” ? 🤨

I left after I took these…

And wound up at Target # 2 in the next town over, & a more “woke” area, where the candles from the top came from.

This Target’s girls’ section *really* liked rainbows…

Much 🌈 🤡 …

Here’s something interesting: every single mannequin on display in the kids’ clothing sections featured a rainbow.

Could it be that @Target corporate suggests this marketing tactic to their managers and employees?

I have never worked in retail. Is that a plausible explanation?

Rainbow… rainbow everything …. 🌈

Oh My Ford 🤡

BUT FINALLY, let’s get to Target # 2’s Pride Popup. Is where it gets good.

Welcome to our cult where “Queers Take Care of Each Other”

#SpreadtheLove ! ! !

More products for children. The first one made me gasp.

They don’t want children to trust their parents, if you haven’t noticed.

These particularly and personally offended me. So much so, in fact, that I went back today and bought the deck, which was the last one, and I may or may not make a rant-y video or post about it. Better I buy it than some local 15 y/o girl. Appalled @ the fusing TQ+ & spirituality

But alas, when I went back today to buy the deck, I saw this, positioned just as you see it in the pic, adjacent to the Propaganda Popup Prop. I couldn’t help but think it must be the work of a fellow terf. There is hope yet for the children so long as we stay aware. #WomanKind

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