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Tweeting for the ATS Critical Care Assembly. @Nick_Ingraham @SarinaKS @AartikSarma @GKamelMD @CatGaoHow @ZimickMD

May 22, 2023, 6 tweets

Here we go #ATS2023

Let’s talk about next generation trials.

First up is Mattew Semler discussing the ABCs of future trials.


The equilibrium is being disrupted and new evolving trial designs are emerging

#ATS2023 @atscommunity

@MichelleNgGong discussing advantages of platform trials compared to traditional trials which be costly and ineffective

Frequent analyses, multiple interventions can be studied and ability to add additional arms are advantages of platform trials

#ATS2023 @atscommunity

🗑️vs⛱️are types of platform trials

✅ not all disease can be assessed with platform trials
✅ harder to secure funding

@MichelleNgGong @atscommunity #ATS2023

@ecgoligher discussing adaptive and bayesian trial designs

Adaptive=modifiable features of the trial

✅ Can address the uncertainties of traditional trials
✅ Data will need to be analyzed during the trial

Bayesian=strength of evidence/learn as you go

@JonathanCaseyMD making the case for pragmatic trials to address challenges in critical care trials

✅ interventions are embedded in routine care
✅ results generalizable
✅ can be completed faster

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